We meet again on the edge of the past

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Around three weeks after the sighting of kier, the haze of confusion began to fade.

Both Kier and Laurence had been drawn to a familiar spot in a forest near turnbridge wells where they filmed the Regret video.

The area haunting both their dreams and nightmares,they decided to visit the area in curiousity and the hope of understanding what had happened over the past year.

It was cold that day wind causing leaves to dance in the air to the sound of swaying trees and soft rumbles of thunder.

Kier walks the cold breeze blowing across his now pale cheeks now pink from the cold air,leaves crunching beneath his black boots he tugs his jacket tighter around himself,his breath like smoke in front of him clouding what he sees before him,his mind racing with questions as to why he's back here again,why is he here in the place of his haunting nightmares?.

Laurence walks shivering in his buttoned up black coat,the cold seeping through his gloves making his hands red and stiff like ice as he walks,he feels dizzy looking around him,short visions filling his head,why was here?,could this be a mistake or a yearning for the faded past of the band that once was?

Laurence's hair falling in his eyes as he walks his heart banging against his ribcage like a wild animal trying to get free.His mind racing with fear,uncertainty and most of all a strong rush of guilt.He looks up to see crossed pattern of the trees above him plunging the forest into a dark abyss.

Kier walks to the very spot where him and laurence were standing off during the video he stands still lost in his thoughts,small fragments of memories racing through his clouded mind.

Suddenly someone grasps Laurence's shoulder he turns on his heels to see kier whos expression is a mix of shock and confusion.



Two names spoken, two who were once unbreakable but are now shattered like a mirror reflect everything they have felt over the past year now intertwine by regret and a yearning for a faded past.

It can be priceless to always forgive,but living in Regret feels like bruises, so now is the  time to keep smiling as we cross these stepping stones as we feel alive.

living in regret as we feel aliveWhere stories live. Discover now