let it out

19 1 0

Kier is sleeping,well he was sleeping until a ping pierces the peaceful silence.

He sits up groaning tiredly his room dark apart from a light beaming from his phone,he grabs his phone squinting as his eyes adjust to the light.

A familiar name catches his eye he looks twice in disbelief.

Laurence Beveridge.

Kier rolls out of bed landing on his face,he tries to get up but end up tangled in his bed sheets so he just gives up and lays there reading the tweet.

the tweet reads 

hey KierKemp i had a nightmare i'm so sorry i caused you to leave i'm a monster you have a right to hate me after what i did but i miss you :(

Kier lays in the abyss of his room,a tear rolling down his cheek in the darkness thoughts rushing through his head at lightning speed adrenaline rushing through his veins he replies to the tweet before switching his phone off.

He lays in the middle of the floor tangled in his duvet looking up blankly at the ceiling,a familiar memory clouding his head.

A distinct smell of hay filling the air,he can see him and Laurence aged around  18 sat in one of the various local barns talking,planning their lives,kier sat beside laurence eyes wide with excitement 

"I know lets move to London" kier exclaims but his smile fades when laur looks at him with uncertainty

"Kier are you sure we are only 18 what about jobs and paying for a flat they aren't exactly cheap you know" Laurence says.

"Laur it would be such an amazing adventure we can finally start that band and we'll be able to make music and tour and everything our dreams can finally become a reality" kier says sparking a smile on Laurence's face.

The memory burns like a photo against a lighter flame as kier is tugged back to reality.

If you're holding it in just let it out,leave it behind if there's a doubt,Stop holding in and let it out.

living in regret as we feel aliveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora