Old Habits die hard

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Kier entered the pub that night with the intentions of gin,tonic and possibly a good band.

As he entered the pub was filled with smoke from the coloured smoke machine in the corner of the room by a group of musicians who at the time were playing,they weren't a big band as such they were strangers yet familiar to Kier, he recognised the voices but was confused as to where he had heard them.

Then it clicks in his head,its them,stood on the makeshift stage in the corner of the pub is his former band members,Drew,Shane,Luke and Laurence playing an unfamiliar tune.

He watches them,a strange mix of happiness,guilt and shock hanging like a veil in front of him his expression unreadable.

He looks at Laurence, before looking down at the bar his heart heavy with guilt,he downed the remains of his gin and tonic before ordering another.

Throughout the bands performance he sneaks glances at Laurence his soft voice reminding Kier of the tours they embarked on together with the others,the rehearsals and also reminding him of the happiness they shared together.

Kier held his gaze on Laurence for longer this time a phrase filling his head 

"Mr Kier Kemp my best friend of 9 years" He remembered Laurence saying at the gig.

Suddenly he heard a slam come from the bar as the bartender placed kier's drink in front of him,at that same moment he locked eyes with Laurence who's expression changes within a matter of seconds from happiness to shock and confusion.

Kier then witnesses Laurence being hurried off stage by drew who sees Kier.

"Talk in a few" Drews expression seemed to read.

About 20 minutes later Drew walks towards the bar taking a seat beside kier.

"Its been a while kier,hes still in shock" Drew says.

"I know he looked scared when he saw me why did he look so fearful?" Kier asks sounding confused.

"Hes been having these nightmares from what hes told me and the others all of them about you blaming him hes scared that it could be a reality" Drew says ordering himself a drink.

" he tweeted me the other day he sounded so worried" Kier says.

"Kier i think its best if you try and see him in maybe a few weeks he should be okay by then " Drew says taking a sip of his drink.

"i hope so it worries me when he gets like this since i left ive worried about how he is" Kier says confessing.

"you have a right to be you were and still are his best friend he said so himself at the final gig" Drew says trying to sound optimistic.

"how do i know he meant it he could have just been drunk" Kier says.

"Kier i didnt want him coming over to speak to you because of that,especially after what happened at the final gig the argument between you two ive never seen anything that intense between you two before and we dont want a repeat of that" Drew says.

" Drew you should have let him" He says.

"Kier im just try to-" Drew begins to say but is interrupted by kiers phone ringing.

"i need to take this its michael" kier mouths before leaving.

Drew sighs "God i hate it when he does that" he mumbles before going into the back room and sitting with the guys.

Another night Another bitter-sweet melody.

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