Im a little unsteady

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Your POV

Today was the day Jim was going to tell his fans I was his girlfriend and I was a nervous wreck

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Today was the day Jim was going to tell his fans I was his girlfriend and I was a nervous wreck. My hands were trembling, but Jim's arms were wrapped around my waist which made me feel a bit calmer. The recorder started rolling, "Hey guys, its ya boi Aparri here and today I have a special video." Jim stated the words rolling off his tongue. "I want you all to meet my girlfriend, Y/N!" "Hi g-guys." I whispered into the microphone. " His hands slipped off my waist and onto the mouse of the computer, turning on the facecam. His arm went back over my shoulder. "This is my beautiful girlfriend." I blushed at his words, "And I want you all to know, I love her with all my heart and none of the haters will bring us down no matter what!" "Aww, thank you Jim!" I said, putting my hand over my heart. "You're welcome, ok guys I'm gonna end the video here. See y'all next time, GOODBYE!" He screamed the last part. I got up and walked out to the kitchen. "Damnit nothing good." I muttered under my breath. My phone rung and I whipped it out of my pocket. "New video by Aparri!" I clicked over the video scrolling through the comments.

Mybaeisaparri:  Aparri i can treat you better than that ugly pig of a girlfriend
Aparri1234: she's so fat
Aparrixyn: great choice par par
Paris: but I thought you loved me aparri
Wisteriamoon: She's so ugly Aparri! You should go out with me instead I can get you all the rares you want!

I felt tears glazing my eyes. How could wisteria say that about me! I shut off my phone and let the tears roll. I ran to the washroom and locked the door. "You ok?" Jim shouted from across the hall. "Yeah!" My voice cracked, I opened up the cupboard and saw some Advil. I grabbed it and shut the cupboard. The door unlocked. "Y/n?" His low voice rang through my ears. "Y/n, what are you doing?!" I dropped the Advil bottle on the floor and fell down with it. My head was buried in my knees, 'your worthless y/n' wisterias voice rang inside my head repeating her comment over and over again. "Y/n, why would you do this to yourself!" His voice was cracking, and his eyes were red and puffy. I got up, and hugged Jim. Sobbing onto his chest. My heart ached as all the comments screamed themselves at me. There right I'm worthless I don't deserve him. "Jim," My voice squeaked. "Yeah?" "I-I think we should break up." "What. Why?!" "I don't deserve you Jim! You deserve someone like wisteria or lilac, not me your ugly stupid fat neighbor!" I screamed, my voice ringing through the house. "Your not any of those things Y/N! Your beautiful but if you don't want to date me that's fine. Take your time." Jims voice lowered to a whisper " 'Cause without you I'm gonna be a little unsteady."

A/N: I guess Jim was wrong about no one bringing them apart and guys should I change the title to Aching heart? I know this chapter was intense and sorry for never updating and about the title comment your opinions below. Bye guys and I'll hopefully see you in the next chapter! - Waterlily 🌺

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