What should I do without you?

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Jims POV

It's been 2 weeks without Y/N. I haven't posted a video since. My fans are going crazy. Sarah ( Bepper ) has been saying she will personally delete my channel if I don't Livestream today. I pulled myself off the couch and opened up my laptop. I turned it on and went on YouTube and its live stream feature. I start the Livestream:

Live chat:

Aparriismybae123344: OMG HES BACK

WisteriaMoon: Did you and Y/N break up yet? ;) Im waiting

AparrixY/N: @WisteriaMoon you are a disgrace you disgust me

Rest of the fans: GIVE ME RARES, BUDDY ME!

"Hey, guys, and yeah im back." Jim paused and sighed heavily. "Me and Y/N did break up because of WISTERIA!" he screamed and Sarah put her hand on my shoulder as a signal to calm down. I took a deep breath as I watched the live chat flood with comments and rude remarks or how they were happy that me and Y/N broke up. I looked at Sarah with pleading eyes for her to take over and do a buddy or rare giveaway. She sighed and nodded. "Hey, peoples Aparri's gonna take a little break so IM TAKING OVAHHHHHHHH," Sarah yelled.

Timeskip after Livestream

Y/N'S POV (yee ur back)

You sighed as you shut your laptop. Was I right to break up with Jim? You shook your head, Yes It was for the best. Right? You groaned and walked down to the kitchen, where you're mother stood with her arms crossed. "Hon, I've seen you sad before but you've been dragging yourself around the house for weeks!" You explain the whole story and sigh, does Jim miss me? Has he forgotten about me yet? Your head was swirling with questions and striving for unknown answers. "Well come on, go change we're going to Jim's house." Your mom said smiling mischievously. "WHAT?!" She pushed you upstairs and laid out some clothes for you.

Timeskip to Jims house

Jim's MOM POV (its gettin spicy up in this KFC)

Texting stage with Your mom

Y/M = Your Mom J/M = Jim's Mom

Y/M: Has jim been sad lately cause y/n has

J/M : Oh yes its gotten me worried

Y/M : Its been awhile since they talked can y/n come over?

J/M : Of course

Y/M : Ok see you soon

J/M : Bye!

Y/M : Bye

Texting Stage ended


You walked up to the door your mother trailing behind you. You sighed and rang the doorbell. You heard running and some muffled shouting. Jim's mom opened the door "Oh, hello! Come in, come in." You see Jim and Sarah peeking down from the stairs, You and Jim's eyes lock. You looked to see that Jim had dark circles under his eyes that matched yours and they were drowning in sorrow. "Kids! Come down." His mom screeched, they both slowly walked down. " Hey Y/N." You heard Sarah say gloomily. Wow, she usually has a bright bubbly personality. "Hi," you spoke barely over a whisper. "You kids go upstairs while us mothers talk ok?" "Ok." we all mumbled. We walked upstairs while Sarah spoke to Jim about something. "Ok Y/N come with me we have to talk." We walked over and went inside her room. She shut the door behind her and we both sat down. "Y/N you need to get back together with my brother! He has been so depressed lately and it hurts me inside to know im his SISTER and I can't do anything about that. I know you loved him and he loved you a-and that what they said hurt you but James is hurting so bad without you a pain that comes in waves and only you can save him from drowning." She burst into tears, gasping for air as her glasses fogged up. I hugged her tightly feeling my eyes start to water. I let go of her, "Sarah I really love him but im scared! Im scared that those comments are going to overcome me again and im afraid of being hurt and im afraid im going to lose everyone I love!" You said unable to look Sarah in the eye. "Y/N we will help you through this I can promise you that, life is going to throw things that you don't expect but we will do this together ok?" "Ok, I'll do it." You said, getting up. Sarah hugged you "YES, THANK YOU!" she yelled. We walked out together going to Jim's room. "Jim, I need to talk to you." You said quietly, "Sure." he rasped. We walked out and went into a walk - in closet. "Y/N what do you nee-" You broke him off enlacing your hand with his and kissed him. You were hit with a wave of passion and longing, every second becoming more intense. You pulled back for air. "Jim, I love you." "I love you too Y/N, I always have. Please be my girlfriend again." He pleaded. "Ok." You both hugged and walked out hand in hand. You missed this so much.


Sorry for never updating I know I suck. This is a pretty long chapter so Im good for awhile XD Hope you enjoyed see you in another six years lol

Word count ( with authors note) 879 :D

No authors note 834 words! YEET Love you all my lillies

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