
27 1 4

I felt as if I have totally wasted my entire life....
If I were in a situation that might be similar to being "drunk" it would be now..
I've drank sooo many cups of Strawberry Lemonade and I shouldn't because it worsening my dry throat. (I'm partially sick atm)
Someone truly level with me right now. @( ̄- ̄)@
Who feels that they are so different from everyone around you..??? Excluded from all those around you and hate it so much...

I hate how I'm the cause of all the mistakes to everyone....
At this very moment and here on out, I remind myself how I each day that passes by, I simply wasted time.

I'm thinking if I should attempt to write a depressing poem about a certain topic. What do you guys think? Also I'm considering to doing my Tags.

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