Chapter 11

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"WHAT?!" Exclaimed Camila jumping off her seat.

" Haha Mila, that will be 20 bucks please." Dinah said getting up to do a celebratory dance whilst holding out her hand for the money.

" Why am I so oblivious to everything eugh." Moaned Camila throwing the money at Dinah and falling back into her seat again with a frown.

" Gurl I did warn y'all. Never dismiss the captain of the ships." Dinah gestured with her hand against her head signalling the captain gesture.

" I can believe y'all made bets on us. Like seriously." I remarked still in awe of Camila handing Dinah the money.

" That's how we hustle in here boo." Replied Dinah getting up and patting me on the arm.

" By the way, we are all in support of y'all. We love you Em but by any chance break our LoLo's heart , expect a polybeatdown." Dinah stated staring me dead in the eyes.

" Yes ma'am." I saluted in response.

" Okay, I hope you all have finished your chitchat because we gotta get moving into the venue." Announced Will, entering the bus
" Girls, grab whatever you'll need for the next few hours and Rob will lead you to your dressing room. Emily, Natalie wants to talk to you about something so she'll be here in a second."

"Ohhhhhhh" remarked all the girls simultaneously.

" Ladies let's get moving." Will interrupted as I flipped each of the girls off.

Smiling at Lauren before she went down the steps, I sat down on the sofa waiting on Natalie to arrive.
" What the bloody hell does she want now. I didn't do anything wrong. Well not that I can think of anyway." I thought.

" No Em, it doesn't concern you." Natalie broke my train of thought. "and yes you were thinking out loud." She said as she climbed the steps entering the bus and sat down beside me.

" Have you spoken to your mom recently?" Asked Natalie with a concerned look on her face.

" Yeah, I spoke to her about 20 minutes ago over facetime. Why, what's wrong?" I asked as she had suddenly grabbed my attention.

" Did she seem fine to you? Anything off or strange about her?"

" No. She seemed fin-. Wait, what the fuck is going on?" I urged, worry starting to elope me.

Fidgeting with her phone, Natalie looked as if she didn't want to spill whatever was on her mind.
" Natalie, tell me now. Is mom ok?"

" She's stopped taking her meds Em." Natalie announced looking me dead in the eye with regret spilling over them.

" Wait. What? No, no, no that can't be right. She's fine Natalie. I just spoke to her about Lauren and I 30 minutes ago. No, you must have gotten things wrong. She was fine when I left her and I warned her to keep up to date with her medication. No Natalie." I refused to believe her shaking my head despite my hands trembling.

" Look honey. Your grandma called me a few minutes ago. You know how your mom is like babe. One minute she appears fine, the next everything is hell. You caught her at a good time. But apparently she stopped taking them a few months back and everything is just kicking in now. She thought she didn't need them anymore and she still insists that she doesn't but you know biopolar disorder doesn't just disappear overnight." Natalie confirmed, rubbing my shoulder.

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