Stupid Society

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So...  at my school, we have this thing called "NanoWrimo" which basically means "National Novel Writing Month". It's this thing where, every November, everybody writes a novel with as many words as possible and you try to reach your word count goal.

If you're reading this, you probably know I am OBSESSED with fanfiction (writing it, reading it, caressing it, etc.). So, I thought; I already write fanfic, why not use at as my NanoWrimo idea?

And then I remembered ; oh yeah!  Society is fucking stupid and I only have gay ships.

I mean, there are still so many homophobes on this planet that just don't understand; LOVE ISN'T BASED ON GENITALIA! LIKE, OHMYGOD (this includes my parents, of course).

If i wrote a gay fanfic as my NanoWrimo, even if it wasn't smutty, people would look at me differently.

like, i already get judged enough for being gay and only a few people know.

So, now im writing a love story between a blind girl and some guy. 

UGH i hate society.

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