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Do you ever just sit back and think,"fuk if god is real im going to hell."

And then you start to think of the torture and stuff you would have to face.

But i wouldnt expect you to understand because every time i try to tell someone this, they say,"how can you be sure ur goin to hell?" and i just shrug.

Well, this is what I want to say:

Im gay

All i ever do is read smutty gay fanfiction

Im a pretty pissy person with a pretty selfish personality

i literally have SO MANY doubts that god actually exists

Every other fxcking word i use is some shitty cuss word that doesnt even make any suckermotherfuckingbitchass sense.

I lie pretty much 24/7

I roll my eyes when anyone ever praises god or says a prayer or when my dad says a blessing before dinner because, fuck, if god created us, did god just pop out of the universe? Like, where in the hell did god come from??

So yeah, if youre religious, you probably understand that im going to hell.

Or maybe ill just rot in the ground... Experiencing nothing but darkness like there was before i was born...

Welp, time for another existential crisis. ✌

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