Hello kitten

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Y/n's POV

"NO!" I jolt up in my bed tears boiling behind my eyes a hand placed on my should makes me flinch, when I see Jack's worried face looking at me I relax a bit. I blink tears dripping down my cheeks eventually rolling down like waterfalls ashamed I hide my face in my knees curling them to my chest, but when I feel a arm wrap around behind me I lift my head. Jack's eyes meet mine.

"What happened?" Jack asked me.

"I-I" I fall short of words, I don't know what to say. I don't want to make Jack hate me but I don't want to lie either. "I don't know if I should tell you..."

"Y/n, your obviously not okay, please tell me what happened" Jack says like a friend, he really cares.

"I was in some house and.... I wasn't alone..." I hesitate still not sure if it was okay to tell Jack about Anti.

"It's okay... Keep going" Jack sits next to me rubbing circles in my back.

I sigh "I was apparently with Antisepticeye or at least that's who it seems to be... he called himself Antisepticeye once and he even looked similar to you..." I feel some more tears fall "please don't hate me" I cry into my knees and Jack hugs me.

"I don't hate you y/n, it's not your fault" Jack says.

"I-is he real?" I ask meekly.

Jack takes in a breath. "Yes, sadly he is real"

"At least I'm not going crazy" I say laughing for a second my tears slowing and drying up.

Jack smiles "yeah, although you are crazy in your own right"

I giggle "yeash indeed I am. Want coffee?" I ask grateful for the change in dialogue.

"Ooh coffee" Jack's eyes light up happily.

*a time skip high fives the air enthusiastically*

Jack and I sit down at the table with our cups off coffee still hot and toasty.

"Okay, now we should continue our conversation from earlier" Jack says

"I agree" I say still worried about the whole thing. "Something I want to clear up, are you and Anti separate beings?"

"Yes, we are. he can't do anything to me that he can't do to other people" Jack says.

"Okay... Do you have any idea why Anti would want to give me nightmares?" I ask Jack.

"Well your a friend of mine who's fandom has made them a dark alternate but besides that I don't know" Jack pauses and thinks "has anything else besides the nightmares happened or anything way out of the ordinary?" Jack asks

"No-wait hold on" I walk to my room grabbing the collars and the letter from my office bringing the items back to the kitchen. "I got these in a package yesterday" I say handing Jack the collars and letter, his eyes go slightly wide when he sees the items. He reads the note and looks at the collars for a few minutes before handing me back the red one.

"There's something written on the side of that one but I can't read it" Curiously I look at the sentence before gulping nervously, Jack raises an eyebrow. "What does it say?" He asks.

Blood stains and bite marks (Antisepticeye X female Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now