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(Okay I'm probably more psyched out about this than I should be but I find it so coolio! There's a website I like called Typeatone which is fun to mess with and somehow I wrote this really long thing, this is the link; http://typatone.com/m/3Y15t4zh3Z it inspired me to write this and I initially couldn't decide whether to put this in the Darkiplier X Reader or this one, I decided this one because... well you'll see. But you should definitely check out the link and of course try out Typeatone its a free website so don't worry, theres also another website called Patatap which I love love love but thats totally different =P. Anyways I hope you enjoy this! byyyyeee. also italics mean its y/d/n ,your dark alternate and you respond with this ' before and after, they talk in their head by the way)

Y/n's POV

I wake up with no one beside me. Did he really leave? I thought things were going well... what am I saying he's tried to hurt me! You know you liked it though. What the- I shake my head and grab my phone ignoring the voice I heard. oh give me more credit I'm not just a voice ya know. There it is again. I can here you, why not speak to me directly. Oh hi? there ya go.

'Who are you?'

Your dark alternate

'I have a dark alternate?!'

No duh, your fandom made me


I hear a ding, I got a text message from my friend Felicia (shut up I couldn't think of anything else *^*) I open up the text message.

Felicia: Hello?

I text back Y/n: Hi

Felicia: How are you doing buddy?

Y/n: Good

Felicia: Good, good. So got any plans?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm preoccupied at the moment

Felicia: With what?

Ahh so she's a nosy one. 'Yeah, she is.' Y/n: None of your business

Felicia: Ugh your always "preoccupied you never hang out with me anymore

Y/n: I'm busy

Felicia: Yeeeaaaaaahhh sure you are

Excuse me, wanna run that by me again bitch?

Y/n: What's that supposed to mean?

Felicia: It means I don't believe you. You're lying

Oh you wanna go bro?

Y/n: Am not

Felicia: ssssuuurrrreeee keep telling yourself that

Bitch fight me, right now! My head suddenly hurts and I doesn't stop.

Y/n: Look, I have a lot on my mind right now so if you could just lay off it'd be better for the both of us

Felicia: Stop lying and come hang out already

Y/n let me at her. My heads pounding at this point

Y/n: I said no



Y/n: I SAID NO!!!

That's it I'm coming out.

My head feels like it's being slammed into a brick wall over and over again giving the sensation of it splitting open. I set down the phone clutching my head in pain my veins throbbing, heart beat pounding. Suddenly, it all stops and I go numb, when I open my eyes I find I'm in a dark room with a enormous screen showing a hand holding my phone... wait omg that's me but I'm in here!

Blood stains and bite marks (Antisepticeye X female Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now