Coffee in the morning

405 13 11

Y/n's POV

I wake up and stretch getting out of bed and getting dressed in a black and grey sleeveless flannel, red jeans, black skeleton gloves, random black, red, and white bracelets, my red beanie, and a red collar to top it off. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen seeing Jack making coffee.

"Good morning Jack" I say and sit down at the counter.

"Oh hi" Jack says turning to me with two cups of coffee setting one on the counter I front of me.

"Thanks" I blow on the coffee but wait to take a sip, it's still to hot.

"No problem..." Jack says as he stares into his coffee.

"What's wrong?" I ask, somethings obviously bothering Jack.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Jack asks looking at me sidelong

"Uhm no... I just went to sleep yesterday" I say confused. "Why?"

"Well when I was coming to wake you up I saw Anti holding you as you cuddled into him" Jack says, I blink a few times before it registers. That person I felt crawl into bed with me yesterday was Anti.

"That's messed up, I had no idea. I was so tired when I went to bed yesterday and I get so out of it when I'm sleepy" I say cupping my chin in a hand.

"Also just curious, why are you wearing one of the collars Anti gave to you?" Jack asks pointing at my neck, I unclasp the collar and look at it, it is the same one.

"I just grabbed one of my red collars, heh of all the ones to grab" I face palm and put it back on "it's still a nice collar regardless"

"I guess so" Jack says. We both drink our coffee and soon finish.

"I never asked, what time are you going back to Ireland? I'm just curious" I say

"Tomorrow sadly. Are you gonna be okay? I mean with Anti" Jack says

"... I'll be okay. What should we do for your last day here?" I ask.

He shrugs "I don't know, record more videos?" He says.

"Okay, fine by me. Onwards!" I say

*time skip hops like a frog all the way to after Y/n and Jack are done editing*

Y/n's POV

"Few, okay well that's done now" I see the time... It's 11:48pm "jeez it's late"

"Guess we should go to bed huh?" Jack says.

"Yeah guess so" We stand up and walk to our separate rooms. "Night Jack"

"Good Night Y/n" Jack goes into his room and closes the door as do I. Hearing the door click shut I turn around and flinch in surprise.

"Hello princess~" Anti says half laying, half sitting on my bed.

"H-hi" I stutter out gulping "what are you doing here?"

"Nothin much, just checkin in on my lil princess" Anti pats the spot next to him "come're"

Not wanting to upset Anti and get hurt I slowly walk over and sit next to him, he pulls me towards him and hugs me resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Anti what are you doing?" I ask hesitantly.

"Just cuddling you" he says nuzzling my neck with his nose.

I want to say something but find it pointless to argue so I just let Anti cuddle me for now.

Blood stains and bite marks (Antisepticeye X female Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now