My Scarlet Eyed Boyfriend-Chapter 7

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" It's x A x Date! ( Part 1)"

Astral's POV:

 My phone was beeping. I was still sleeping peacfully until my phone beeped. I picked it up " Hello?! You know I'm still sleeping!" I screamed. " Astral? Where are you?! It's 9:00AM already!" Kurapika shouted back.

 " The date! I'm so sorry, Kurapika!"

 " Geez... Am I the only one excited about this?" my heart skipped a beat by what he said.

 " What did you say?"

 " N-nothing! Just go get ready, will you?!" he said and hung up. My heart was pounding heavily. He was excited for this?! I scratched that thought and jumped out of bed. After I took a bath, I dressed into my brown, long-sleeved dress and my brown shoes and brushed my silver, curly hair.

 I got a black purse and got the things that I needed, my phone, my wallet with 10,000 jenny, and a hankerchief. I sprayed on some perfume on myself and went to the door. As I opened it, I saw Kurapika. He was wearing a red, long-sleeved shirt and black pants and shoes.

 For 1 thing, he looked as hot as the time that I first saw him. I blushed and he smiled " I look nice, don't I?" he laughed as I blushed a bit more. " D-dummy..." I said, slapping him on the chest lightly.

" Well, let's go?" he said offering his hand. I giggled and placed my hand on top of his " My pleasure." I said as we walked to the park. When we got out of the building, I smelled Kurapika's perfume. I walked closer to him as we walked. He smiled at me " Oh? Do I smell nice?" he asked while I nodded.

 " Yeah, you do..." I said. His face went close to my neck. " You smell nice too. Strawberries..." he said. We kept on walking and I felt his warm breath near my face. I noticed that something soft touched my cheek.... DID HE JUST KISS MY CHEEK?! I jumped in suprise " Did you just...kiss me?!" I screamed, touching my cheek. He laughed " Yeah, I did. Because your so cute and all..." he said.

 Kurapika just kissed my cheek, and I'm blushing like crazy. " Umm... Thanks...?" I stuttered " It's fine. I don't really mind." he smiled. When we were in the park, Kurapika stopped me from walking " Wait here, I'll just go get something." Kurapika said, going to a nearby shop.

 I waited in the same place. He was taking a while, and I was wondering if this was a prank. I waited for 1 more minute and he finally showed up with a paper bag. " I'm back. Sorry I took so long." he said. I looked in the bag, and I saw large sized, caramel popcorn, cotton candy, 2 cans of soda and masks.

 " What's with the masks?" I asked as he smiled and patted my head. " You'll see, later. Come on, let's go to the cinema." he said as we walked to the cinema. The movie was already starting, and we sat down on seats that were empty.


 I was watching until something was on my head. I turned, and I saw Kurapika's head was resting on mine. I was shocked, but I smiled and slept with him.

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