Christmas Giveaway - Free Copy Available to all!

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Yes, in case you didn't get my other message, for two days (from 24th-25th December) you shall be able to get a copy of 'The Boss From Hell' for free via Kindle on Amazon - anywhere in the world! If you do not have a kindle, then do not fear because you can download a free Kindle App on your Mac, PC, iPad, iPod, iPhone and Android. So there should not be any problem in gaining it.

Any questions I shall answer, any criticism I shall delete without a seconds thought.

I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas, and a better New Year than this one has been and enjoy my gift to you for all the wonderful support you have given me.

Love xxxx :D

The Boss from Hell (Sample only; Available on Amazon)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ