Chapter Fifteen

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                I wake up from the most terrible dream. I’m sweating, badly. Would I ever do something like that…kill myself because I’m a fool…because I hurt her? I hurt the one I love? Would you? Probably not. I don’t think I would either. But that dream. I look to my right and to my left. Liz and Patty were in their human form sleeping peacefully. I can tell that I haven’t been out for that long. It was still night. But, taking that nap wasn’t good either.

                Hurriedly, I make an attempt to wake the sleeping sisters, but that was rudely interrupted. “Aww, look at the meister and his weapons. So cute, don’t cha think?” I turn around. Yomi’s hanging upside down from a tree branch. Her shirt is showing off her flat tummy. I blush a little. She swings her body up, so she’s sitting all the way up on the tree with her back towards me. Her shirt falls off her shoulder slightly. I see a purple tattoo. It’s a kanji sign. “Puppet” is what it says.

                I knew it! I knew this wasn’t Yomi’s doing!! I just knew it! That witch from the other night…oh right, we already went over this? Didn’t we?

                “Kid,” before I knew it, Yomi had me against the tree. Her face was a deep pink. “You have to help me.” she begs. “Wha-what? Y-Yomi?” I ask. “The witch…she’s taken control of….” It’s silent. She says nothing. I wait for her to complete her sentence. She doesn’t. “Hahahaha!! You actually believed me, didn’t you, Kid. Aww you’re so cute. I just love toying with that cute little head of yours. Too bad I’ll be removing if from your body now!” she says as she summons her katana. I duck when she aims for my face. Liz and Patty are beginning to wake up. “Get up, you idiots!” I shout at them. Their two heads pop up.

                “Oh, sorry, Kid!” Patty apologizes with her cute baby voice. “Don’t yell at me, I’m too tired.” Liz whines as they change into their weapon form.

                “Now this’ll be fun.” Yomi states as she backs up away from me. “I’m ready when you are!” she says with a sly grin. “You ready, Kid?” Liz asks sleepily. “Do I really have a choice?” I ask. “Okay then, here we go. Let’s fight to the death, agreed? Goodie then!! I’ll be sure to win! You can’t hurt the one you love, can you, Death the Kid?” she asks. I feel my eyes widen and my heart pounds fast. She’s right. I love her and I don’t wanna hurt her! Damnit!!!

                She comes at me, fun speed. She moves so gracefully and soft, but her moves are quick. It’s kind of hard to shoot her when she’s this close to me and I don’t want to use Liz or Patty as protection. This is fairly difficult.

                We go on for what seems like hours without hitting each other. I’m damn-near out of stamina and it seems like she’s just getting things started. “Tired already, Kid. Ready to give up?” she asks. I don’t reply. I look up…

                Am I ready to give up? Should I just quit now? I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Is this fight really worth it? Is it worth hurting the one I love the most? Is it worth putting Liz and Patty in danger of getting hurt or putting them through the trouble of having to find another meister…that could cause them to split up…and I don’t want that. I won’t let that happen! But what more can I do?

                “Listen, Kid. Since your weapons are better off not fighting me so close up, I’ll place an offer for you. I’ll stand right over here. You get 4 free chances to shoot me. Okay? If you make it, it’s to your advantage. If you don’t poopy for you, right?” she shrugs.

                She walks over to a tree and stands in front of it. Her katana disappears into her hand. “Go ahead. I’m ready when you are.” She says.

                Four shots?

Chasing Pavements: Death the Kid Love StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora