Chapter 4

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As soon as the village was out of sight, Brusenna broke into a run. Her golden hair swished behind her as her feet flew over the packed Earth. When she reached the turn-off in the road, she dove into the trees and collapsed next to Bruke. Drawing in her knees, she marveled that she didn't feel terrified. Quite the opposite. She felt powerful. Even so, tears plunged down her cheeks.

"Why are they so cruel? I've never done anything to hurt them!"

Bruke whined and licked her face. He froze and a low growl erupted from his throat. He bit the pendant and pulled back. The black leather thong strained against her neck. "No Bruke! You're going to break it!" She pried it from his teeth.

Wiping her face with her palms, she darted into the forest, singing the song to hide her path from any who might follow.

Trees and plants, hide my way.

Let no one come unless I say.

The entire way, Bruke whined beside her.

When she yanked open the door to her house, the light was beginning to fade. She stood, breathing hard on the doorstep. But she couldn't seem to go inside. The house was hollow and empty. One look back at Bruke and she stepped aside. "Come."

Bruke trotted inside as if it were the most natural thing in the world, though he'd never been allowed inside before. After making a round, he sat on the floor in front of her as if to say, "What next?"

Brusenna let out a nervous laugh and suddenly realized how hungry she was. "Next is supper." Lighting a lantern, she busied herself fixing a meal for the two of them, but Bruke didn't seem interested in eating. She took a hearty bite and moved the food to her cheeks so she could talk. "Come on. Eat your supper."

Instead, Bruke jumped up and placed his paws on her thighs. His eyes fixed on the pendant, he growled.

The tiny hairs on Brusenna's arms stood on end. She swallowed. "All right, boy. I'll take it off." Reaching behind her, she undid the clasp and took the necklace to the money box, placing it beside her father's ring. "Satisfied?" she asked as she came down the stairs.

With a contented groan, he settled down to his meal.

Grunting, Brusenna plopped back on her chair. When she'd finished her dinner, she tried to memorize more songs from her mother's journal, but she couldn't seem to keep her eyes open. Giving in, she eased into her bed, with Bruke lying down at the foot. Almost immediately, she fell asleep.

A wet tongue in the palm of her hand and a soft whine brought her around. Glancing out the window, she saw the velvety blackness of deep night. Rubbing her eyes with the pads of her fingers, she sat up. "What?"

Bruke went to her closed door. He growled softly, as he'd been trained to do if strangers were sneaking around. The hairs on the back of Brusenna's neck stood on end. Could Corwood have found a way through her forest? She threw off the blankets and peeked out her window. She saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Carefully, she padded to his side. That's when she noticed a soft glow coming under her door. Had she left the lantern burning? She strained to listen over the sound of her heart thudding in her ears. The light moved! Someone was here! Pure energy surged through her veins. Bruke let out another whimper. Holding her hand on his nose, she shushed him. "Stay."

Brusenna pressed her ear to the door. "The pendant is in the room on the left," a voice whispered.

"How do we know she's in that one?" another voice responded.

"We'll check that one first," replied the first.

Brusenna heard her mother's door creak open. If she wanted to escape, her best chance was now. She stared at the doorknob, unable to make herself turn it. Quick! she thought. Before it's too late! Forcing herself not to dwell on it, she flung her door open and burst into the hall. Right into a man's arms.

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