Chapter One (the start of my creepy pasta)

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Hey guys, This is going to be my creepy pasta, as you can tell by the title. This is also my profile pic. You'll understand as you read. I hope you like it! And Merry Christmas! This story happened way before any of the stories I have made. First paragraph is so boring, sorry.


I was lying against the tree trunk trying to think of where to hunt next. My black fur was stained with red from the blood of my victims. They were human of coarse. My pack were killed by hunters when I was just a pup. I hid in the under growth so the hunters wouldn't kill me or see me, and, it worked. Of coarse because I'm still here. I escaped with only half of my face missing, I say that like its nothing cause it is nothing. If you saw the things the humans did to my pack, you would say it was nothing too. I hid the scars with another wolf's skull. Only on the half of my face. If your wondering what my name is, its Adeline. Oh, my fur is so black that it reflects purple and green. Thats why my nickname is Raven. I got it from my pack long ago.

A crow suddenly flew down from the sky and landed on a low branch. As you know, Wolves and Crows rely on each other to find food for each other. The crow was always my partner. I still don't know what his/her name is. We don't really care for each other. We just want food. That's all we really care about, when it comes down to it, we just need food.

"What now?" I asked as it began squawking its arc off. It flew south and I began to follow it when something red and black flashed in the corner of my eye. But, I ignored it, for now. I followed the crow to a pack of humans laughing and fooling around. What they didn't know was that they were about to die. I began stalking them and I flung out of the bushes. They all screamed and scattered every where. I knew I could only have one for dinner so I went for the weakest one. She stumbled over a rock and fell down the side of the hill they were on. She finally stopped at the bottom with a broken ankle. I went in for the kill but some other dog flew in and pushed me out of the way. He then went in for the kill him self. He killed her with a single blow to the neck.

"Hey! That was my kill!!" I yelled at him. He turned in my direction and I froze in mid step. He was NOT a dog at all. He was some kind of demon. He had a humans teethy smile and he was pure blood red. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was Beautiful. More than any 'Dog' on the face of the earth. I slowly made my way up to him until we were nose to nose. The 'Dog' was way bigger than me, you could tell right away.

"Well, its not yours any more." He said with a deep voice that you would expect from him.

"Smile! Smile! Did you catch one?" Suddenly a man with a pale white face, dark rings around the eyes and a huge smile carved into his face emerged just over the hill. He dragged a body behind him and dropped it right when he saw me. I wasn't really paying attention to him, I was starring at the dog, who I assume was named Smile. I silently stepped towards the body as Smile stole a glance towards the man. He saw me and growled with his head high.

"I said, that's mine!" He said through his growl. I went for his neck and clamped on for dear life as he tried to shake me off. I heard a whimper escape his mouth. Great! A hint of weakness, I can take him down! The man suddenly came running down the hill and pulled out his knife. He jumped on me and stabbed me in the shoulder. I whimpered and let go. I hit the ground with a loud thud and went limp. If I stay down long enough they mite think I'm dead.

"Smile, are you ok?" The man asked.

"Yes I'm fine." Smile said. even though he knew the man couldn't understand he answered anyway. I waited until they were distracted. The crow began cooing for them to come towards him, he then began feeding on the mans catch.

"Hey, damn crow, get off!" He yelled running towards the crow arms flailing in the air. I suddenly jumped up and ripped of one of the woman's arms with all my mite and ran off. Smile came running after me and barking like crazy. The man ran after him and the chase was on. I barreled through the forest as fast as I could. Then I tripped on a log when I was jumping over it and face planted the ground, causing leafs to go everywhere. Smile ripped the arm out of my mouth and threw it over to the side. He was about to finish the kill when he noticed my half face. The skull must have came off when I tripped. It was now rolling around near my paws. He looked horrified as he saw the dried fleshy wound on my face. Did I say, I was also missing an eye. He then walked forwards and nudged the skull towards me. I didn't understand the change of mood from him but, I hated getting sympathy.

"What?! Never seen a wolf with half her face gone!" I yelled at him. "Just get it over with and kill me! I didn't want to live anyway!!!"

"W-We can help you." He said with sorrowful eyes.

"Well, I don't need any help!"

"By the looks of it, you do." He said. "I'll help you."

Suddenly the Man came running out of the forest. He stopped right in his tracks at the sight of my face and smile towering over me.

"Jeff, can you help her?" Smile asked. Jeff somehow reading smiles thoughts nodded. I guess he can talk to humans.

"I know what your thinking, I can read minds and talk through them." He explained to me. Then Jeff came over and examined my body.

"I think Slendy can fix her up." He said.

"Come on." Smile said while trying to help me up.

"I don't need any help!" I yelled pushing him away, but, I followed them. Knowing I don't have any where else to go.

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