Chapter six

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((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Adeline's P.O.V.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I could hear many different voices as I slowly opened my eyes.

"What are we going to do? All the other packs near us are getting killed by them. We have to move!"

"I know of the dangers, but, she's just not ready. She's too young."

"Of coarse you would bring that against us. Sure she's just a pup, but, dammit! there's others in this pack, too! Not just that stupid weak dog!"

"She's not stupid, and she's not weak! She's my daughter! And its going to stay that way! She's not going to die if we freak out and move if we still have time before they get anywhere close to us."

"Well, sorry. I was just thinking more from just myself. I'm thinking for the pack. Do you hear what there saying? They are going to leave us if we don't leave this place ourselves, and, you know we can't fight the humans. Even with the wolves who are leaving. We need to leave, even if it mean some deaths here and there."

I sat there in the small cave listening. It seems I'm in a memory. A memory I meant to leave behind long ago, but failed. I slowly stood, which wasn't making much of a difference due to my height at the time.

I then slowly walked to the entrance of the cave. It was my father. His muscle's easily shone through the short dark brown fur he had. He had heard me sneak up behind him. He turned his large furry head towards me. I could clearly see his hideous scars. one was under his right eye and one above it. The most resent one was on his muzzle. His hastily green gaze turns onto me and then softened as he realized who I was.

"Hello sweetie. What do you need?" He asked as he came closer up to me. God, I miss him so much! I continued to stare and then answer.

"Nothing, I just needed to get some air from that cramped cave." It wasn't me talking though. It was younger me, as I remembered it. I then walked away up to my mother who was with the other female wolves. her back was to me as I walked up. All the other female's looked down at me with disgust and then turned and walked off to there mates. I gave them a look as well but brightened as my mother turned to see it was me they were making looks about. Her bright brown fur shown brighter in the light as she smiled down to me.

"Hello beautiful, how are you this morning?" She asked as she stood and came closer to me. I sat and she sat next to me. I leaned the side of my body on her tall leg.

"I'm fine." I answered.

"Well," She continued as she began to lick the top of my head. "A new wolf is coming. He's going to be here in a couple of days. At least that's the word between the birds" She then pointed the tip of her muzzle at the crows at the top of a branch on the nearest tree. I looked briefly then closed my eyes. My mother always had a thing between the birds and her. She could hear what they were saying.

"What's his name?" I asked. Most pups my age would be purely excited by the thought of a new member to the pack. But, since most of my life the other members of the pack have basically shunned me, I don't have much emotions any more then irritation and anger. But, I was surprised. lately more and more wolves leave the pack then come into it.

"I'm not sure. The crows have been talking more about how he is a legend to all the forest. We  are lucky that he's even coming near us. All I know is that he has a big smile and red blood fur. But, to the birds, he's our savour." She said. My eyes then flung open.

Time seemed to slow and then skip a bit as if everything was an old film. I then came into third person. Seeing me and my mother in the clearing, leaning against each other. Big holes then burned through the scene. I then was in the forest in some bushes. I turned around and then walked slowly out of them. I could only think about Smile in the description my mother gave. I couldn't believe it. But then I couldn't believe what was coming next.

I walked further into the forest only to come upon My small frail pup body in another clearing. I then saw the same red furred wolf I see every where nowadays. It was, of coarse, Smile. I caught him right when he began to say the last words I heard before I passed out.

"Everything's ok. No one's going to hurt you now." He said. He then turned his hard gaze to the humans and started to attack. My mother, on the other hand, was freed and came up to my body.

"Oh, my baby, if you can hear me, I'm so, truly sorry. I wish I was a better mother. I just love you so much. I-I'm sor-ry." She wept into my pup fur. I then turned my gaze to Smile. He was fighting better than any wolf I've ever seen fight. In one strike he took down the humans. Body after body fell to the ground. I then turned to my mother as a shot rang out into the night. Blood splattered all over my little body as her head exploded from impact. My eyes widened as I called out for her and lurched my head forwards. Tears burned down my face as I relized what just happened. I began to cry and then covered my face with my paws as I screamed into my paws. wetness slithered through my fur. I didn't want to see my mother die like that. All hopes of her ever being alive completely vanished. I screamed and wept into my own fur and I finally built the strength to lift my head back up. My mothers body was limp on top of mine. Her blood mixing with mine.

Then Smile ripped out a throat of a human and turned to the dramatic scene. He dropped the piece of retched meat to the ground and slowly nodded his head 'No'.

"" He then slowly walked forwards to the scene and lowered his head. "What am I going to do?...."

Next he removed my mothers body and lifted mine by the scruff. He then padded towards me. My eyes widened. Can he see me? My question was answered by him walking right through me. It felt weird. I felt violated. But, that was the least of my worries. I began to follow him when I felt light headed and everything went black. I felt like I was floating. Then I felt like I was laying on a hard surface. Then a heavy force was on my side that was facing up. I then felt the force of gravity pull me further. Making me dizzy. I saw a bright light in a small dot far away in the dark. It came closer very quickly and like a lightning flash, I was awake. I looked over to see Smile's head on my side and Tear burned a little at my eyes. Not of sadness, of happiness.

I then flipped my body to tackle smile, also flipping him over. I cried with joy into his fur as I attempted to hug him. The best way a dog could hug another. He abruptly woke up from the commotion and he looked surprised as he saw what I was doing.

"Wha, Adeline? W-What? you're awake?!"

"What does it look like you dumb ass?!" I responded. "Just don't ever leave me! Ok?!"

He seemed confused but then calmed a little.

"I-I wont...I wont ever...... leave you..." He said, hugging me back. (The best way a dog could hug another.) And I'll never let him leave. Right then I felt a weird sensation in my chest. But, it was a good feeling. I'll never wanted to let go of it. The whole experience taught me an important lesson. Hold on to what you got. And what I got is my whole weird family. My new family.


Hope you liked it!!!!! Sorry, it took so long. I'll try to update more from now on. And, its pretty boring, but, I'll hope you like it! Now you know what happened to Adeline when she was younger. (Like you didn't already.) *Cough, cough* Hmm, oh right. Thank you and have a nice day! Oh, and the picture of Adeline's Mother and Father are in the Multimedia.

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