Chapter 11

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(((((((((((((Adeline's POV))))))))))))

I was laying on a cold metal table as I waited for slender to get back with the stitches. He had already wiped the blood away and put in the antibiotics. Turns out, Blaze stabbed pretty deep. While Jody helped me get back home, I fell over a rock and twisted my paw. Slender wrapped my paw and advised me not to use it for a couple of days. But, I know I'm not going to rest while that human gets away with it. I need to do something, and quick.

"Adeline." Slendy snapped me out of my thoughts with his booming voice.

"What? I didn't hear you." I looked up at him expectantly. He sighed and lifted the stitches.

"Look down, I need to get the one on your upper neck." He said as I angled my head down so he could get to the cut. I could barley feel the needle slicing through my skin as I watched slenders arm move up and down with each stitch. I looked down in defeat, How could I be beaten? BY A HUMAN!!!!!!

"Ok, all done." He said. I lifted my head to his 'Face'. He turned around to put the tread and needle away. He called from the back room."Just promise me you wont do this again, were already in trouble as it is." As he came back into the room, I looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Slender paused.

"Well," He started, thinking. "Just go." I shook it off and leaped off of the table, landing with my claws clicking against the tile floor. I padded up the creaky stairs out of the basement. I then stepped into the livingroom, seeing Ben playing his game on the large flat screen TV. I had to admit, He looked like he was in paradise surrounded by all the popcorn and candy bars while having his nintendo 64 controler in her hands, pushing the buttons rapidly, without looking away from the screen. If I could roll my eyes, they'd be rolled. I sat by the couch he was laying on and watched him play while I thought of what I should do about this 'Blaze'.

Suddenly I heard two sets of pounding footsteps bound down the stairs behind me. I turned to see Jack and Jeff land on the floor right below the stairs.

"Hey ben! Tell slendy that we'll be out, k?" Jack said while running his hand along the back of the couch as he passed.

"Yeah, and tell smile too." He then ruffled bens hair but, he didn't respond. They looked at eachother and jack shrugged, then they bolted out of the door.

It seemed like a light bulb just flicker above my head as my face came to realization.

 I slipped through the trees silently as I followed the two blue and white blurrs ahead of me. they finally slowed down to a walk as they came upon a broken down building. This must be where Blaze is staying. I looked for somewhere to hide as I padded up to the shack. Jack and Jeff had already gone inside by the time I approached. I sneaked around the building and went in through a low window in the back.

I looked around the room, only the light from outside cutting through the window as I crouched down, low to the floor, in a hunting position. I held my tail inches from the ground to make sure I didn't knock any peices of glass, that was splayed across the floor, so I wouldn't make a sound. I peaked my muzzle around the corner to the archway that use the hold a door. I saw a wide open space with wooden planks as the floor boards and grass peaking out from the edges, that must have been the livingroom.

I also saw four figures. two sitting on a couch, one was jeff and the other was a random little girl who reminded me of Sally. Recognizing another two right off the bat, Jack was standing with the women who stabbed me, Blaze. I narrowed my eyes as I stared over to them.

"Shea?" The little girl interuppted. " I'm going to go take a dump." She then popped off the couch and then skipped out to the back of the house, passing the room I was in so close that I was surprised that she didn't see me flinch back into the room. Another light bulb lit above my head as I watched her sneak out of the back window down the small hall.


May give spoilers.........

So...... Why did The little girl sneak out of the window? Why is she their? What relation does she have with Blaze/Shea? What will happen as Adeline follows out her plan to get back at Blaze/Shea? Will she succeed? or will she find something she never knew before? FOUND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!

Watching the Walking Dead Marathon, Please comment if you are toooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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