Chapter 7

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Sorry for the wait guys! and sorry its so short, I'll be trying to work on it when I can. A little writers block. Please leave some ideas in the comments below! I'd love it!!!!! Anyway, here it is, hope you enjoy.


(((((((((((((Adeline's P.O.V)))))))))))))))))))))))))

I woke up with a yawn. I was having a nightmare about the woman named Jane when smile went in and comforted me. Its going to be alright. His words echoed through my head as he chased the nightmare away and let me sleep soundly. I then looked up to smile, I was lying with him in his little doggy house with my face buried in his fur. But now as I looked up he was twitching, as if he was having a nightmare him self. I stood and nosed his ear. When he wouldn't wake up I got frustrated. I walked out of the small dog house as an Idea burned in my head. 

Smile gasped awake as the water splashed into his fur, soaking it. The metal clattered against my teeth as I layed the pale down. Smiles eyes glittered with anger as he looked at me his ears also drawn back in anger. I was nose to nose with him so I tried to look the most happyest in the world. I put on a wide smile while closing my eyes, My ears up right. He looked surprised and pause for a second, then brightend up as he relized I was the one who had thrown the water on him.

Smile sat back down. A laugh escaped my mouth as I rolled back, letting go of all the amusment. I rolled back and forth laughing my ass off. Smile just sat there, amused as yell.

"So, what do you want to do today?" I asked as I finally stopped laughing and sat up, my tail wagging back and forth. He thought for a moment then brightened up.

"If you want, I can show you how I got my rightful place in this house." He exclaimed, standing up.

"Huh?" I replied. His victory faded as he looked at me.

"I'll be showing you how I kill humans..." He said monotonously. He then brightned up and padded outside of the dog house. I followed after. He then went through the doggy door that I haden't noticed before. and, hesitantly, I followed after. He went past the kitchen, where that blue masked guy with no eyes was fixing something that smelled delisouse on the stove. I paused, smelling the sweet scent of meat. My mouth watered as I relized I haden't eaten at all the past few days. Smile looked back at me and turned around.

"You know, you could stay here, all I'm doing is informing slenderman that I'm going to be out killing." He replied. I looked at him with joy and nodded. He smiled and took a swift glance at eyeless guy and speed up the stares. The guy looked behind him very quickly as if smile told him something and as he saw me his, eye holes, widened.

"Oh, no. nonononononononnononononono NO! Your, Not! Getting any of this." His hand waved over the pan on the stove as he said so. I looked at the pan as my eyes glazed over, thinking about how juicy the meat would be as I ate it. My tongue involuntarily slid out and licked my jaws (Or lips if you want to call it that.). I snapped out of it as I stepped forwards, lowering to the ground with my ears drawn back and a my teeth showing.

"Give. Me. The. Meat." I growled, I knew he couldn't hear me but it was worth a shot. He then took the meat in his own hands and hugged it to his chest, blood dripping down from it and slathering his chest. I launched myself at him with all my mite, I tried to tear the meat away from him. Grinny than sped up from nowhere and launched at his face. He scratched and caterwauled for a whole five minutes. He then took hold of his mask in his jaws and ripped it off, tearing the string that held it in place. Grinny than took of towards the back yard. I tore the meat away from him as he let go. He than gasped for air as I ran away from him, floating through the doggy door. I skidded to a halt right outside the edge of the woods. I sat down, figuring it was safe and began to eat the Delicious, juicy, bloody meat. Then grinny padded out from the woods. He laid down the blue mask as he stopped.

"Do you mind if I have a small bite?" He asked with the most pitiful face on. I rolled my eyes, broke of a considerably large piece (Less than half) and pushed it towards him. Since he helped, I guess it wouldn't be fair other wise. He brightened up at the generous gesture and pulled it away from me, sat down and began to eat.

"You know," He started "You are very kind compared to Smile. What do you see in him?" I looked up in surprise.

"What makes you think I see anything in him?" I said emotionlessly. He looked up, a grin playing on his face and his tail lashing back and forth with amusement.

"I mean, you must have some feeling for him, considering how long you've stayed." surprise took over my face as he spoke. I then went emotionless once more.

"No, this is strictly survival." Grinny's smirked at my comment and went back to eating, dropping the subject. what an ass. I thought. I didn't know why but, his words bothered me. I lightned up as I saw Smile walking swiftly out of the doggy door up ahead.

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