Chapter 10

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Song is 'Flutter Rex - Th3 Cupc4ke5' Hope you enjoy! Again, credit to Eyeless Killer! Link to profile page:

The picture to the side is Jody______________________________________________________________________________________

 I woke up to the birds chirping outside. I wished I had gone back inside last night but instead I stayed out here in the freezing cold. I was now looking forwards to going back into the warmth of the inside. I stood up, shaking the stiffness from my legs and padded out of the dog house. It was sunny today so I might just sit out in the sun.

I layed down right in front of the dog house, because I was too tired to go anywhere else. I was soon on the edge of sleep when I heard a howl. I lifted my head, half asleep when I saw a dark brown figure jump over the dog house and land right on top of me. I was fully awake now, rolling over so I could stand. As I stood, the figure just jumped up and down like it had pogo sticks for legs.

"Who the fuck are you?" I growled as I starred at the unknown wolf. She had light brown fur, as previousely stated, with bright blue eyes. The she-wolf stopped looked taken aback but still held her ground.

" I was in your pack. I was the only other one who survived." My eyes widened as she spoke.

"Liar!" I howled as I leaped at her, pinning her to the ground. She looked surprised at my movement and not had time to react so she was on the ground in a second. "No one in my pack survived except me! Do you expect me to beleive you?"

"No, I was one of the wolves who left, mother and father made me leave with our uncle," She explained. I was confused on way she was talking like we shared the same.... "I'm your sister." She finished. My eyes widened as I backed off of her. My eyes then narrowed as I sat away from her.

"Why should I beleive you?" I asked warily.

"Because, I-I," She began but stopped, thinking, I supposed. "Remember that time when mother used to bring us down to the creek?"

"What creek? All I remember is the death and the blood and the..." My eyes glazed over as I remembered all of it. I closed my eyes, shook my head, and looked back up at her.

"I'll take you there! Its not far from here!" The she-wolf then stood, looking at me with hope.

"Fine," I sighed. I was thourghly convinced this wasn't going to do much for my memorie but it might tell me something about if this wolf was a liar or not. "Whats your name?"

"Jody." She said with out pausing. I guess that could say she's not lying, but then again, she might have planned this out and was ready to answer. "Lets go!" I followed her as she bounded off. I quickly caught up to her as she started to sprint. A couple of log leaps and low branch dodges later, we were on a pathway when she started to slow down with a pant.

"I thought you said it wasn't far from here?" I asked as I caught up.

"it is, right up, this path." She panted. I went slower trailed behind as I heard children's faint screaming and laughter through the tree's.

"Are you sure this is the creek?" I asked as she stopped. I stopped right beside her. I looked down the small hill to see a small creek streaming over smooth rocks. It looked beautiful. I kind of forgot what that looked like. If jeff ever heard that he'd stab the crap out of me. I smirked as I thought of home.

"So, what do you think? Remember anything?" I heard jody ask beside me.

"I think its beautiful..." I said. "But, I still don't remember anything. But, I trust you just a little bit more. I'll have to spend more time with you to trust you as a sister though." I looked over to her as she lowered her head. She looked disapointed, but she shook it off.

"I understand." She then padded up the the side of the creek, just so close so she could get a drink. As she lapped the water I heard a twig snap on the edge of the path. I snapped my head to the direction of the sound and I heard Jody gasp as she saw the figure. It was a girl, about 17. Her long black hair drapped over her T- shirt. Her red eyes glinted under her bangs. She reminded me of jane, but I knew jane didn't have any red eyes. Her combat boots was covered in mud, plus standing in some at the moment.

"Get back," I growled as I swished my fluffy tail for Jody to stand back. I stepped forwards alittle while I readied myself for the attack.

"What are you doing?!" Jody whispered as I snarled at the woman. The girls eyes widened in terror as I barked at her. I then leaped at her with all my strength, tackling her to the ground. She screamed with fright and struggled against my wieght as I snapped my jaws a few inches away from her face and felt my claw dig into her arm and stomach. She screamed as she slipped a knife into my throat. a gurgaling sound came out of my mouth as I tried to growl. She then started to stab my scruff back and the back of my neck as she struggled to fight back.

"Adeline!" I heard a familiar voice behind me. The pain of the knife ripping through my fur and flesh finally got to me as I felt a hand gripp my scruff. I howled in pain as I bent my self sideways and snapped at it, I was surprised when I felt something in between my teeth. I also heard a snap as I twisted the arm like a aligator. I saw a blue mask with two black holes as I gained grip on the arm. I finally let go as I remembered jack.

I spit out blood out onto the dirt as I felt the pain shoot back up my spine. I looked up to see jack lying in the middle of the path, blood spilling out of his arm. Did I hit an artey?

"Oh god oh god oh god oh god!" I whimpered. I might have killed a creepypasta. I might be kicked out of the mansion. I might never see smile again! The girl stood over jack with a knife to his neck as I looked up. Wait, I thought, I can hear his heartbeat. He's going to be alright. I growled again, but quickly was surprised when the girl put away her knife. She then propped jack up on her back and slowly carried all his wieght into the forest.

He is so not getting away with this. You just dragged me into your little story jack. I will not take this shit, she just stabbed me in the throat! I spit in the dirt one last time as blood dripped over my left eye. I panted as I looked after the faint silloette of the girl and jack. I felt my eyes glow with hatred as I narrowed them.

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