Chapter 9

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To those of you who love my work (My stories) I'd like to share my secret. (I guess you could call it that...) While I work on my stories, I LOVE to listen to Flutterrex! She is an awsome person and thanks to her I now have you guys.... at least I think its a her.... Anyway! back to the story. (Some of her work is on the side. for now on I will be putting one of her songs off the side if you want to listen. This one is called 'Flutter Rex - Pinkamina's Return'.)


I could hear the viliant screaming and banging throught the wall as me and smile stopped to listen. She was being abused... How could these heartless bastards do this to their own kind? Smile flicked his tail over my nose destracting me from my thoughts. He then sneaked over to the window, he looked in and whispered something to himself, but then snuck around the other edge to the house. I glanced in and saw the small girl reaching for the counter as the father bashed her head against it. It also looked as if he was trying to lift her dress... I followed after smile keeping my head low as he scrambled into a opened window. His hind claws scraped the edge as he squeezed through the small opening. His fluffy tail finally dissapeared after him. I looked around for anyone who might see this and once the cost was clear I went in after him.

"Come here you little bitch! Get those fucking pantyhoes off!" I heard screaming as I looked for smile. I gave up and made my way for the kitchen, I then hid under a table with cloth over it to watch. The little girl screamed as the man pinned her to the table. Tears fell as she screamed for him to stop.

"P-please Daddy! No! Please no!" She screamed. Her mother was in the corner crying as well, she then finally stood, and yelled.

"Bill! Stop, please! Your hurting her!" She screamed as her trembling hand reached for an empty bottle of beer in the trash.

"Does it look like I care? Now, if your not going to coroperate, let see how you take this!" He then began to pull the small girl by the hair but the woman smashed the bottle over the mans head before he could do anything. He pause, and began to chuckle.

"You think you can stop me? Bitch?" He then threw the girl off the the side, The edge of the counter hit her right in her left eye. She screamed a blood curdaling scream as blood ozzed out of the eye. I flinched as I remember my first eye loosing.

Suddenly, I saw a flash of red off to the side and smile jumped onto the wall and imidiatly jumped off of it, using it as more momentum, and jumped right ontop of the man before the man could say, 'What the fuck?!'. Smile pinned him to the ground growling in his face while seemingly talking to him through mind link. The mans eyes widened with horror as he starred at Smile. I was so proud of smile in that moment I could almost burst out from under the counter and tackle him to the ground myself. But, I stayed put, watching the action movie unfold before me.

"Louis!" The woman yelled as she noticed her daughter wrathing on the ground. She ran over to her daughter as smile tore into the mans face, all teeth. I guess I missed him lunging forwards. Smile tore away skin and started to crack open his skull. The sound reminded me of something but I couldn't quite place it. (When she lost half her face.) The mans fatal attemps to stop smile failed as his arms that were flailing moments before fell to the ground limp. I guess he had reached the brain, I thought as slimy red and pink bits were thrown to the side. Smile then tore a dark hazel eye from its smashed socket.

He then placed it in front of the woman who was shaking her child for her to wake up. It felt like my senses hieghtend as I heard the faint but strong beat of the little girls heart. I closed my eyes as the beat struggled to keep going.

"Lets go," Smile called as he ran past me. I picked myself up and ran after smile. I knew that the little girl was going to be okay, but, what really worried me was; Why did I care?

Later that day me and smile went back to the mansion and we both sat in the living room. It was raining out but we dealt through it. Smile was lying on the couch, beat from the kill today, with his head in jeffs lap. Jeff's shirt was off and he had a bandage wrapped around his torso. Blood was stained on the perfect white. I wonder what happened to him. I thought as I first saw him. I lay on the floor next to the couch with closed eyes now. I rested as I listened to the T.V. The light from the T.V flickered across my eyelids every now and then.

Suddenly a wif of suculant meat came across my nostrils and I lifted my head to see eyeless guy come into the room. He limped over to the couch across the room and  sat down. I tilted my head in a questioning manner and looked at him. His pant leg was up and he had a bandage around his left leg. What the hell? Were they both in a fight together or someything? Idiots!

"Hey, dude. What the hell was that earlier?" Jeff said as he petted smiles head. Jeff waved a hand in front of jacks face when he didn't answer. "Dude!"

"Huh!?" Jack yelled as he jumped in his seat.

"I said, Whats the hell was that earlier? you've been out of it lately and then this comes up..." Jeff repeated.

"Oh, uh...... Its nothin'" Jack replied.

"No no no. Don't do that to me, I just got stabbed in the back! Stop messing around!" Jeff growled. Smile flinched but stayed in the same position.

"... ok... I might as well tell you.... Her names blaze... and..." Jack continued on but I ignored them both, because I didn't want to hear about a humans stupid feelings, and went out to the back yard. I guess it stopped raining... I thought. I saw grinney grooming himself on top of the dog house smile sleeps in. I smelt blood as I got nearer to him. I guess he just had his kill for the night. He turned around as he heard me aproach.

"What is a pretty little dog like you doing out here so late?" He asked in his thick french accent. As he said that he then layed on the pointed part of the roof and dangled his paws of the front of the dog house, with them crossed. His tail swayed in the back ground.

"First off," I started as I sat in front of the dog house looking up to him. "I'm a wolf, I don't want to hear any of that dog crap. expecially when you call me a pretty dog. We all know for damn sure that I ain't no pretty little dog! Second, Its not that late. And third, why are you here?"  Grinney looked taken aback from this but straightened him self.

"I just wanted to see you again, thats all." I rolled my eyes at this cliche romantic side. I hated it, but, I had to admit, it was smooth. I stood and went into the dog house, as the air grew thicker. "Where are you going?"

Grinney then landed lightly on the ground below and turned towards me, licking a paw. I rolled my eyes as a drop of rain hit my nose. Grinney's fur prickled and stood on end as rain started to come down hard and fast. He was soon a small skinney matted up mess. He yowled as he ran off towards the house, he scratched at the door but in his failed ettemps to try to get someone's attention I called out to him.

"You know theres a doggy door" He looked back at me and then went through the doggy door with out effort. I snickered as I turned around in the large dog house. Now that no one was here to bother me, I could get some rest. I then drifted off at the sound of the drizzling rain on the roof top...


P.S. I'm also working on this book with Eyeless Killer. She's making her own book called 'The Eyeless Killer'. We will be putting each others characters in our books so find out why Little Jacky is so off lately! and learn of who he's getting all choked up about! Bye! And have a great day!!!!! Heres a link to her profile:

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