Chapter 2 Unexpected Behaviour

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Author's note: If you have any suggestions for this story please let me know. I am always looking for ways to make it better thanks. Comment, vote, enjoy ;-)

I stood there for plus, minus five minutes stuck in my imagination world. When I suddenly felt something hairy crawl over my shoulder, I jumped and looked down at my shoulder only to see Rick's hamster Jojo clinging to my shoulder. Rick was standing behind me and he was chuckling with laughter.

"Eeeew, get it off me!!" I yelled as I shook my shoulder.

"Relax, relax! You going to hurt Jojo." Rick said as he lifted Jojo off my shoulder and cubed him in his hands.

"I tried to snap you out of that trance you were in, but you wouldn't budge. So I knew Jojo would get you out of it." Rick explained. "Come on Amber it's time to get on the road we're already ten minutes behind schedule so we gotta jet." Rick said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the door.

As we got to the door I stretched out my hand and hooked it to the door frame and dug my feet into the ground so that Rick couldn't pull me further. Rick hunched himself forward as he tried to pull me with force, but I just stiffened my body and he was forced to stop. He turned around and faced me.

"Come on Amber what's the matter with you?" He asked.

"No I'm not going." I said as I pulled my wrist out of Rick's grasp.

Rick shut his eyes and groaned. "Not this again; Amber we've spoken about this. I know you hate nature and all, but I just want to have fun with you this week outside of these corners can't we just do that please?"

"No, no it's not that Rick." I reassured him.

"Then what is it?" Rick asked throwing his hands up in the air.

"It's what I just saw on the morning live news." I explained. "They said that a week ago a couple went camping at the Water-Flake forest and they just disappeared from the face of the Earth never seen leaving the forest again. Also couples have been disappearing left and right every time they go to the forest and are never found. I think we shouldn't go anymore, what if we disappear forever?" I said.

Rick gave me one of his famous stares the: "Do you know how crazy that just sounded" stare.

"Okay you are officially loosing it Amber or are you just using this as an excuse to ruin our perfect week that we've planned for, for over a month now uh?" Rick said as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"N...No of course not." I reassured him. I am honestly telling you the truth here. Please believe me." I begged.

"No this is nonsense Amber there is nothing in that forest. I used to go camping there with my parents all the time and my parents didn't disappear forever." He told me. "I think you haven't been drinking your medication." He pointed out.

"Yes I have." I replied quickly. I didn't want him blabbing on about my mental illness and medication.

"Then why the hell are you talking like this Amber?!" He asked raising his voice.

"It's the truth Rick. I'm not making excuses and I'm definitely not crazy. Just please believe me." I begged him.

"No, no you are going weather you like it or not."

Just then Rick put his arms around my waist and forcefully lifted me up and carried me to the car. "No, no, no!" I screamed as I tried to shake and kick myself free, but Rick was always able to overpower me. When he got to the car he opened the passenger side door and placed me down on the seat. I tried to fight him off, but I couldn't. Rick pinned me down as he strapped on my safety belt and shut the door.

He walked over to the driver's side, climbed in and closed the door. I was still screaming at the top of my lungs as I tried to unbuckle my safety belt. Rick strapped on his safety belt and turned on the ignition.

"No, nooo I'm not going Rick I don't wanna die!" I yelled. I managed to get the safety belt off and I opened the door. As I was about to jump out of the car, Rick grabbed my arm and pulled me back in. He raised his hand and gave me a hard slap clear across my face. I immediately stopped everything.

"Stop your nonsense and enough with the screaming!" Rick yelled.

He leaned over me and grabbed my safety belt and strapped it on me again. Then he reached into a small grey bag and took out a small grey bottle of water and my tablets and handed them to me.

"Drink your tablets." He order me. My left cheek was red and painful from the slap and I could feel a few tear drops trickle down my cheeks. I wiped them away with the back of my hand before Rick could see.

"I said DRINK." Rick said harshly as he turned to stare at me. I opened the tin that had my tablets in and I pulled out two small tablets and popped them into my mouth. Then I opened the bottle of water, drank some and swallowed hard.

"Good." Rick said as he turned his head to look forward. "Now for the rest of this drive I don't want to hear another word out of you especially about that forest UNDERSTOOD?"

"Yes." I said in a gentle low voice.

"I can't hear you." Rick said.

"Yes." I repeated, but raising my voice a little this time.

"Good." Rick said as he reversed the car out of the drive way and drove off. My plan had failed and now Rick and I were headed to our death.

Author's note: Did you enjoy it? I hope you did. I just wanted to tell you guys that I am busy with my exams. So my next update may take a while, but hopefully I will update next week Friday or sooner if I can. Please bear with me on this. Thanks;-)

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