Chapter 4 The suitcase

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When we entered the cabin I immediately sloshed into the coach in the living room. I still felt horrible from the side effects of my tablets and I knew they could last until the evening. I closed my eyes for a quick second and breathed in heavily.

"Would you like a glass of water?" I heard Rick ask from the kitchen.

"Yes please." I replied. Then I heard water running from the tap. When I opened my eyes I saw Rick walking towards me with the glass of water in his hand.

He handed me the glass of water and he sat next to me on the coach. I quickly downed the water then I held the icy glass to my face to cool down my body temperature.

"I'm really sorry." Rick started to say.

"For what?" I asked.

"For the way I treated you this morning. It was wrong of me to slap and yell at you like that and I promise it won't happen again." Rick said sounding really apologetic.

"I forgive you." I said. "I know I can just push people over the edge sometimes so it's not your fault."

"Thank you for forgiving me babe, I love you." He said as he leant in and kissed my painful left cheek. We spent the rest of the day sitting on the coach watching movies and it was just perfect.

Later that night Rick and I went to the bedroom and started packing out our baggage. I finished packing all my clothes into the closet, while Rick was still busy packing out his. He had three more bags to pack out so I decided to help him. I reached down and grabbed a black and gold suitcase off the floor and placed it on the bed. As I was about to open it Rick jumped up and pulled it away from me.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Rick asked looking panicked.

"I thought I could lend you a hand in packing out, so you can finish faster." I explained.

"No I don't need your help!" Rick yelled. "And don't you ever, ever touch this suitcase again. Do you understand me?!" Rick said looking more furious than ever. "What's in this suitcase is none of your business!!!"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry I was only trying to help." I apologized as I lowered my gaze in shame.

"If you really want to help, you can help by leaving this room and going somewhere where I won't see your face!" I stood there confused with questions running through my mind. Didn't Rick say he wouldn't yell at me again? And why is he so upset about me touching that suitcase? It just doesn't add up... Something is definitely not right here and I have to find out what it is.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Rick who was standing in front of me.

"I said get out now before I do something I will regret!!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll leave." I said putting my hands up in surrender and I quickly opened the door and walked out.

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