Chapter 7 The butcher house

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Rick tried to touch, caress and cuddle with me in the morning, but I just pulled away from him. I was tensed and didn't want him near me, since I found out what he truly was. I couldn't even bare to look at the promise ring on my finger when I used my hands. I eventually took it off and shoved it into a drawer in our bedroom.

"Where's your ring?" Rick asked when he saw my bare finger when we were washing the dishes.

"I...I." I stuttered. "I left it in the bathroom. I should go get it." I said as I quickly turned on my heels and headed upstairs.

Rick's phone was on the bed. I went straight for the drawer, took out the ring and wore it. As I closed the drawer Rick's phone lit up, it was a text message. I know Rick never wants me to look through his phone because he doesn't feel trusted if I do. I really don't trust him now and I have to find out what he's up to. So I unlocked his phone and went to his text message inbox. It was a text from his sister Angela which read:

Rick where the hell are you? We found another couple at the waterfall and we need you to come down here and help us butcher them. You better get down here ASAP mister!

My whole body went numb and the phone slipped through my jelly like fingers and made a huge thud sound when it hit the floor. I felt sick to the core. I am going to marry a serial killer and if I do I will probably have to learn the family's traditions and take part in the killing rituals. Which I surely didn't want to do.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of footsteps heading towards the room and I panicked. I quickly picked Rick's phone up and placed it on the bed. Then I ran straight to the bathroom with panic in my heart. I was so scared that Rick was going to catch me in the act. I looked up at the window to see it was open. With no doubt in my mind I climbed onto the toilet seat, grabbed onto the window frame and lifted myself up.

With one quick motion I brought my legs up to waist height and pushed my body forward. I went flying across the porch and landed on both feet on the grass. Within seconds I took of running into the forest trees. I was so proud that my dad forced me to take those gymnastic classes when I was ten years old, they actually paid off.

I walked and walked until I made it to the waterfall front. I sat there half the day watching people come and go while admiring the waterfall. When it was past five O'clock I decided to head back to the cabin, even though I despised the fate that was awaiting me.

When I approached the cabin I saw Rick leaving. He was probably going to meet up with Angela and help her with the butcher. Within a split second I decided to follow him, but I have to keep hidden between the trees and anything I can hide behind. I followed him at a safe distance, just in case he felt followed and decides to check the coast behind him. I followed Rick deep into the forest and past the fish pond until we reached an isolated cabin.

Rick walked across the porch to the front door. When he reached the front door he stopped and slowly turned in all directions to check if the coast was clear. When he looked in my direction I quickly hid behind a huge tree. I peeped through the leaves and watched Rick. When he was sure that the coast was clear he opened the door and walked inside. I waited a couple of minutes before I ran onto the porch. I creped across the porch to a nearby window, I stood on my toes and peeked through the window to see what was going on.

I saw a young woman tied to a seat and she was gagged. I could see tears trickling down her cheeks and she was struggling with the ropes tied around her wrists and ankles. The next thing I knew blood splat onto her, the walls and everywhere. The woman burst into tears and started struggling with the ropes more violently. Then I saw Rick walk up to her and he untied the ropes, then he pulled the woman to her feet and gave her a good punch in the face. The poor lady fell to the ground and I'm pretty sure Rick kicked her when she was on the floor.

Suddenly Rick looked up from the ground where the lady was lying and look straight at the window. I immediately ducked and prayed that Rick didn't see me. I was interrupted from my scared prayer when the cabin door screeched open. I immediately got up from my praying position and ran as fast as I could to the other side of the cabin and peeked around the corner. I watched as Rick, Angela, Rick's mom and dad and Rick's grandma all walked out of the cabin and walked in different directions to their own cabins.

As soon as they were out of sight I walked to the front door. I turned the knob, but the door was locked.

"Damn it!!" I complained. I quickly ran to the window I was peeking through earlier and tried to open it from the outside. A miracle struck when I was able to open it and just like how I was able to escape from our cabin, I used the same method to enter this one.

I landed in a pool of blood and the blood was still warm.

"Damn it!!" I complained again.

I moved out of the blood and looked around the cabin, to find blood everywhere. There was old dry blood and the recent fresh blood.

"Please help us..." I heard a voice whisper. I turned around to see about ten women tied up to the wall. They looked like they hadn't bathed for over a year.

"Please, please help us." They begged me.

I ran towards them and tried to figure out how to free them. The knots of the ropes were perfect and I had no idea where to start.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of here." I reassured them. I knew the only way I could free them was if I had a sew or a knife. Which meant I had to leave the cabin and sneak back into our cabin to get something to help them. It was a huge risk. If I got caught I would never return here and these women would eventually die.

"Listen to me. I have to go and get some help, but I promise I'll come back to save you no matter what. Do you understand?" I asked. They were so weak all they could manage to do is nod their heads in agreement. I immediately got up and headed for the window. I went through with my regular escape routine. When my feet touched the porch I froze and took a step back.

"What the fuck where you doing in there?" Rick asked me looking more furious than ever. I was shaking more terrified than ever, my tongue curled up and I couldn't speak. Rick took a couple steps towards me and raised his hand. Next thing I knew everything around me went dark and all my senses shut down.

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