Chapter 6 The truth

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Rick didn't come back until past midnight. I thought about waiting up for him, but if I did he would have gotten angry with me and he would hurt me once again. I wasn't in the mood for that so I went to bed. I heard him put something in the closet, it must be the suitcase I thought to myself. Then I heard him take off his shoes and unzip his pants then he dived into the bed. He wiggled himself closer to me and slipped his arm around my body, I guess he was trying to heat himself up. I ignored it and fell back into a deep sleep.

The morning sun rays beamed into the kitchen and I was making us some oatmeal. Rick came racing down the stairs and he took an apple that was in a basket on the kitchen table, then he took a bite from it and walked towards me.

"I met this really nice guy down at the pond yesterday and he invited me to his cabin to have some drinks, so I went and that's why I came back so late last night, I'm sorry. He asked me to come down today and help him with this project he's been working on. So unfortunately you are going to have to spend another day on your own, but I promise I'll make it up to you okay."

I kept my eyes on the oatmeal as I took it off the stove and took out two bowels. "OK." I replied.

"Good, oh I'm not going to have breakfast today." Rick said. I turned around and looked at him with a disappointed expression.

"What? I have to go, but I'll be back for dinner." Rick said looking guilty. Rick immediately turned around and walked out the door.

He's up to something and that suitcase could give me all the answers I need, if only I could get it away from Rick. I have to formulate a plan I thought.

The next two days didn't change. Rick left me alone in that boring cabin to spend time with his new friend and he would come back around midnight or the early hours of the morning. So I decided to put my plan into action.

Friday night Rick came back earlier than usual and I was determined to find out what was in that suitcase. He came into the bedroom with the suitcase and went straight into the bathroom and a few minutes later I heard shower water running. It was time for me to get ready.

Twenty minutes later the bathroom door swung open and Rick walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"WOW!" He gasped when he saw me. I was sitting on the edge of the bed with just my underwear and bra on. I stood up from the bed and walked towards Rick.

"You like what you see?" I whispered into his ear and I began to seduce him...

An hour later we were in bed and Rick was fast asleep. I was able to distract him from his suitcase very well. I looked at the clock next to the bedside lamp and it was 22:30 so it was well over and hour that Rick was asleep, so I could easily get out of bed now.

I slowly removed the covers off of me, slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. The suitcase was leaning against the shower, I picked it, put it on the toilet seat and I slowly opened it. I gasped and quickly closed the suitcase again.

I covered my mouth and stood there completely frozen. I couldn't get those images out of my mind. There were about three bloody butcher knives, two human kidneys, some rope, six pairs of eyes and an ear. I couldn't believe what I just saw, no I couldn't believe I was engaged to a to a serial killer.

I lowered myself to the floor and leaned against the bathtub with my hands a on my knees I cried all night.

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