Chapter 8 A life of lies

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I woke up to the sound of women screaming. I immediately tried to moved so I could go and help them, but I was stuck. Only then I realized I was tied to a bed. My arms were tied with chains to the bed's headboard and my legs were tied to poles on the side of the bed. The room was dark, but I could see light coming through a window. The light was coming from the moon and stars and it was a full moon tonight. That must mean I've been passed out for a few hours I thought to myself.

Where the hell am I? I whispered to myself. Suddenly I felt rage spark through my body and I yelled at the top of my voice:


"What was that?" A voice said. I freaked when I saw Rick standing at the door. "I'm sorry I didn't quite hear you. Will you repeat that?" He said closing the door behind him.

"Get me out of here Rick!" I demanded while grinding my teeth.

"Oh I'm sorry I can't do that because you called me a son of a gun remember?" Rick had a huge smirk on his face which I wished I could wipe off with a good slap.

"See Amber this is what you get for putting your nose into business that doesn't concern you. How many times did I tell you not to look inside my suitcase? But no! You thought you could be a detective and investigate and look where it got you. So maybe next time you'll listen to me."

"No I'll never listen to you Rick because you are a murder and to think I fell for you. I'm engaged to you for God sake!! I'm sure you wouldn't even hesitate to kill me one day because that's how heartless you are. Why Rick, why do you do it?!" I asked as I burst into tears.

"I do what I must to help my sister." Rick replied with that smirk still drawn on his face.

"When I get out of here I'm going straight to the police." I told him.

"Is that a threat? Because it will never work darling, they just going to think you're crazy because don't forget you were diagnosed with a mental illness. Which was exactly my plan."

"What do you mean?" I asked totally confused.

"Well I knew this day would come Amber and I couldn't take the risk of you finding out and going to the police. So I bribed the doctor to give you a false diagnoses. That is why you are stuck on that medication, when in fact it's me who's crazy not you."

So much rage was building up inside of me. It felt like hot lava was burning at my core and it was ready to be released into a volcanic eruption of words. Out of nowhere an uncontrollable scream escaped my lips. Rick was took by shock and he took a step back.

"I hate you Rick I hate you!!! I will never marry you, you are nothing but a self-centered monster that feeds off of other people's shed blood and your family is no better you're all monsters, MONSTERS!! I continued to scream my lungs out and I fought with the chains.

"You ruined my life Rick, first you turned me against my family and friends who hate me now, then you feed me drugs that I don't even need and now this!! You ruined my life you liar, let me go, I hate you!!" I yelled and struggled with the chains some more.

" Enough!" Rick yelled at me. "I've had enough of your nonsense, time to say goodnight." Rick took out an injection and filled it with a green fluid.

"Don't worry this will only calm you down." Rick said as he walked around the bed towards me. He lent down beside me and grabbed my right arm. I tried to resist and pull back from Rick's grasp, but Rick just pinned my arm down on the bed and tightened his grip.

"Awww!! You're hurting me!" I complained, but he didn't loosen his grip. He tapped the vein in between my bicep and triceps and then he pricked the injection into my vein. I watched as the fluid entered my veins.

Within seconds all my senses started shutting down one by one, until I was as numb as jelly. I struggled to keep my heavy eyelids open and my vision became blurred.

"Goodnight love." I heard Rick say. Then he lent in and kissed my forehead. I wanted to fight him off, but I was too weak.

"Nooo." I said gently then I blacked out again.

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