❤️Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Want to come over tonight and do something naughty?

It was another day stuck at school. Why does school even exist? Whoever invented it must love torturing children.

I started to approach my locker and could see Will standing at his locker. What was I going to say to him? I need to become his friend to know what is going on in his mind. For his mum.

"Hey Will" I chirp

He looks at me rolls his eyes and then walks away. Well that couldn't have gone any worse.

My mood is instantly gone down a level. Why can't he just be nice.

Brooke comes up to me and instantly asks, "was it Will again?"

I nod my head and grab my books for first period. I push all that aside and focus on my favorite class; Dance.

When I dance it feels like all my problems drift away and I am in a world full of peace and happiness. I can forget about every thing and it is the best feeling in the world.

I arrive at class and we were thankfully not doing theory. We luckily got to work on our solos. I put my dance shorts on and then went out onto the oval where there were three other girls practicing, at least it was less than in the dance studio. That room was chockas.

I saw a space and started to run. I needed to start dancing as quick as I can to get all my anger out.

I play my music through my ue boom as I start to dance. I channel all my anger into this dance, all  anger at Will. Why can't he just let me help him.

I forgot about everything and just danced. I could feel my dancing was a good session. I could feel the anger and expression coming through in my dancing.

"That was amazing Ari!!" One of the irks shrieks from across the oval. I yell thank you back to her and then lay on the grass.

I get the biggest fright as my text tone is really loud coming out the boom and go to check it.

From: Childbaker
Hey sweetpea,
How's the monster going? 🐉Thought we could go over for dinner tonight so you could try and crack down his walls.
Let me know muffin
Xx Mumma Bear🐻

To: Childbaker
What weird timing. That's actually on my mind right now. He won't even say anything to me now. Dinner probably won't work, but it's up to you.

I turn the music back on and run the routine one more time before i have to run to my next class.

The rest of the day went by like a breeze and it had finally reached lunchtime.

I met Brooke in the cafeteria and we grabbed our food.

I see Will and don't knows whether to go over there and say something to him. But then decide against it as I see Kaylee, the schools slut strutting over towards him.

I sit down at a table relatively close so I can hear what is going on.

"Hey sexy" she purrs, striking his arm with her 21 inch nails.

He just looks at her and then looks away. I guess she won't be getting the attention she wanted.

She sits down on his lap and then strokes his face.

"Want to come over tonight and do something naughty?" She says with a smirk.

"Fuck of kaycee" Will replies as he shoves her off his knee and starts to storm out of the cafeteria.

She stumbles to the ground and then yells at his retreating form, "Its Kaylee"

Brooke and I giggle to ourselves at the fact that she just got rejected by the bad boy, she is on the ground because he shoved her off his lap and he even got her name wrong. That just proves how much he cares about his one night stands.

I'm gonna try and subtly bring that up tonight at dinner.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that mum decided that we would go and give it a try.

I don't think it's going to work, no wait scratch that. I KNOW it's not going to work.

Authors note:
She the cats meow. Meow meow meow meow meow.
Btw that's from teen beach movie if you haven't seen it. But you should watch it. It's a good movie even though it's for little kids. Anyways, hope you likey. Also if you have any ideas or want any input, just pm me those and I will see what I can do.
Xx Your Average Teen Girl

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