Untitled Part 58

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You walk through the door of the house from an over night shift at the hospital, you hear Chicas paws scuffle across the floor to you. "Hey Chica!" She wagged her tail excitedly poucing around grabbing her favorite toy and racing to the livingroom. "Mark? Honey?" You walk closer to his so called "Office" calling his name again looking into the room. You see a smashed controller on the floor, tangled wires in one corner and then the man you fell in love with laying his head on his keyboard his headphones halfway off his ears and his camera is recording. You shake your head going to him putting your hand on his shoulder as he flinched waking up. "Huh?!" he mumbled out rubbing his eyes. You turn off his camera took off his tangled headphones stroking his cheeks and kissed his left side. "You fell asleep recording again, you should really manage your time.." He stretched, "I know I know I have just been trying to pull an all nighter.." He said though a huge yawn. "No excuses young man.." You said play scolding him as he got up and you wrapped your arms around his waist."Old lady.." He mumbles and laughs, "Im not that old Mr. Fischbach.." you said he turns around and lifts you by the waist. You kissed him softly as he does back but a bit more rough, he rams you into the hallway wall gripping the hem of your shirt and running his soft fingers across it. "Mark its 3 am.. and Im tired." you said as he leans his head on yours, "Come on.. its been months since the last time......for me baby?" his eyes are filled with plead and his fingers just wont stop roaming you. You finally gave in and gave him a soft kiss that slowly esclated as he brought you to the bedroom laying you down and stripping you down as he did the same to himself going under the blankets. The only warm thing was his breath and his body giving you the small smile you knew was sinister and pleasurable beyond belief. He holds your head cocking his as he looked down your body and back up sliding into you sending mixed pleasure and lust as he does. You grip the softness of his red fired hair and tugged as he thrusts with pure bliss making you feel wild inside and out feeling his lips trail softly along your neck and jaw. You felt the friction and the air between you two get thicker as you came close to climax. As you both let out your last of your moans Mark lays on your chest his haie full of sweat and sleeps peacefully on you. Your eyes slowly drift closed and sleep as well.

(Hey more updates and Im serious about getting this book done. I will be done with this book when there is 100 parts no more no less love you all)

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