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Okay first, people I'm roleplaying with, I'm not gonna answer for a bit.

So me and my mom are thinking of having a birthday party for me, right? Yeah. I just wanna have a few of my best friends over and order a pizza, watch some movies and play video games or whatever. Three people. My friends Rylee, Liz & Eme.

One problem.

Liz is friends with my neighbours, Emma and Jacob

sIGh these guys are adorable okay? I just want three people. My three best friends, thank you.

bUt nO

My mom starts calling me fucking selfish and ignorant and excluding because I don't want to invite two, whiny kids who are both younger than me. I don't mind them, I just want my three best friends.

I'm in fucking tears. This is why I don't have parties. This is why I don't ever try to do anything because I'm always wrong.

I was having a really good day today and then she drops this bullshit on me

I want to fucking slit my throat I am so done with this shitty treatment I get. I am so nice and so kind to my fucking family and then I get this in return

Please fucking kill me

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