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It's my little sisters birthday-

She's 12

Anyway- so um I just kind of wanted to do an appreciation thingy? She'll never read this but um-

I have a little sister name Jacqueline, or Jacque. She's obnoxious.

And annoying.

But I love the living shit out of her-

Ahh- for a long time before I Wattpad

I was extremely depressed, and I tried to commit suicide like three or four times within the span of like, idk, two months?

But it never worked

My only friend was Jacque

And uh

I just want to say thank you, for putting up with me and my attitude for 12 years

I'm sorry you had to deal with what happened in 5th grade

I know homeschool is better for you

Maybe you'll be able to become a vet,

They must've thought you're really smart, for letting you do a surgery internship at 11- ahem- 12 years

And you are

Really smart.

I'm sorry for being an asshole

And a jerk

And for ignoring you

I know I'm a terrible influence and I hope you grow up with a lot of friends that love you

Please stay happy

Happy birthday, sister.

Jäg alskar dig

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