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wow okay I didn't think I would have the courage to do this but um-

Hey it's my birthday

And it also happens to be Kitty's birthday

um a lot of you have already guessed this but uh-

Yes, I'm crushing on her >_>

And I want to ask her out-

Really badly

And she's going somewhere so she won't be on but um

She doesn't read this book-

But uh-
I kind of was wondering

Even though I don't have the courage to tag you,

Hi, Kitty

I'm an asshole
And a bitch
And I'm shy
And edgy
And different

And I swear too much
And I'm pretty nasty
I've got a sharp tongue
And I don't talk enough

I'm not good at putting what I feel into words
And I want to tell you everything but in no good at speaking

I can't write, even though I think I can

My hearts pounding and I feel ridiculous and dramatic but-

I may be an edgy, shy asshole bitch that doesn't like people and can't talk or draw or write but I'm an edgy, shy asshole bitch that doesn't like people and can't talk or draw or write that likes you

You make me smile and you make me happy and your laugh is hilarious and you're fabulous and our rOlepLays are grEat and you're great and I'm really not but I'd like to think that maybe I have a chance with someone like you but I probably don't AHHAHAHAHA-

Like, a lot

And I sound stupid

I'm too shy to tag you

I'm just hoping you might read this
Maybe people will tag you in the comments-

And at this point I can't really say anything against it because well here I am sounding like an idiot as I ramble on and attempt to confess to you on our birthday

Oh yeah, happy birthday

But uh-

Will you-


Im so sorry in advance

Will you be my girlfriend?

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