Chapter 2

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Angela's pov

Walking in the street all by myself early in the morning became my daily routine, after two weeks of being transferred from my work, here in York New City.

I'm glad I did get a room quickly and it's just blocks away so I could have easy access going to my work and to the university where I studied.

Yes, I'm still studying and at the same time I work to comply my family needs and expenses.

Actually, without the company that I had been working now, I won't be able to pursue in college. Thanks to their program, they let their employees study and dream.

They took the responsibility in paying my tuition fee expense in full, so I won't be dealing with that anymore. Of course, I did took their qualification exams first, gone interviews and wait for the approvals from the head office.

After I had passed the exam including the interviews, I was entitled in that scholarship and was enrolled in Archi University here in York New City.

Archi University was far from my work, so I need to take the first trip in going to school where I live before, Angeles New City.

It's like one hour and a half to travel everyday back and fort, from Angeles New City going to York New City via train, so I need to cope up not to be terminated in the said program. But now I'm near from my work and school, I still wake up early.

I was also advice to maintain a high grades so I could not lose the opportunity that has been offered.

I'm glad I still had the scholarship and get good grades despite of having troubles in time management since I still need to work, but in God's grace I'm now on my 4th year in the field of Architecture.

Walking at 6 o'clock in the morning became an exercise to me, it also helps me to saved money.

I was heading to my work but I always drop by in this building where I'm standing now, in front of a big company where I wanted to work, when I finish my degree.

I found this company so shimmering in my eyes, this building really caught my architectural mind, aside of the thought that this one was the tallest building I had ever seen. I was amaze on how the building stuns along with the others, maybe because the structure was quite amusing.

I had heard that the company organization has a lots of divisions, like retail, f&b, manufacturing, schools and university, malls, consulting, engineering, architectural and constructing, hospitality and real estate investments.

The Umbrella Group of Company was really a well known company all over the world and this company was the one who gave me a chance to study.

The company was owned by Grey family, they are popular on tv and news but I haven't seen them since my life was so busy to make money.

I wonder if that was the Umbrella company said in Residence Evil movie, who created a virus to become a Zombie. And if Grey family is related to Christian Grey? Funny..

I guess if I have a chance to work here I could be well compensated. Once I'm done with my study I hope this company will employ me. I'll just have to wait one year more then everything will be alright, I hope so.

But for now, I need to seek another part time job, to have an extra income to send for my family. They only depends on me, like I was carrying them on my back with a bunch of misery.

They need me and helping them was my big responsibility, my obligation and my top priority.

I need to be tougher to stand this kind of life, to work hard for my family, for my study. In order to support them. To feed them. To survive.

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