Chapter 12

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Angela's pov

I squeeze my arms glancing down the isle at Sir Zayne waiting at the altar. A mixed emotion was fighting inside me, I was nervous, fidgety and demented with worry.

He was smiling when he saw me walked at the red carpet. Amusement and excitement was captured in his face and I almost step on my gown when I saw him looking at me that way. He nod his head, patiently standing in his place at the altar. He was a bit calm but aside from that I know he was hiding his restlessness.

My frail smile became worst, and now, I gave him a fake one. Maybe if there are no people looking around me I would probably crawling while crying out loud, but I need to show him I'm fine and not feeling this way. That I am happy about this day, his wedding.

As I walked through the altar, I imagine myself that I am the one he will get to marry. I am the one his bride to be. Wearing the white extravagant wedding gown, teared of joy would fall into my eyes as I walk near to him, and he was eagerly waiting for me at the altar, to marry me.

I also imagine myself kissing him after we said our vows, which is the best part is the "I do!" and people would applause their hands asking for one more kiss from the bride, from me. Then our honey moon would be more romantic, giving myself to him. I will let him kiss whereever he want, I will let him taste my sweetness.

And how I wish I would, I was hoping that for all my life but today, I need to stop this kind of fantasy. It'll just break me.

When I'm near in his place, Sir Zayne walked towards me. I trembled when he hug me so tight, I gave him back a warm good luck hug, though it was not necessary for me to do that. Maybe he needs someone to cheered him up, and he chose me cause I'm his friend.

Tears wanted to get free from my eyes once I hug him, I quickly think of a happy thoughts to shift this uncontrollable feelings. I don't want him to see my mascara mess and ruin, so I hurriedly get off from his embrace and shake his hand and say a "Good luck!".

He replied thank you and I could see in his eyes, he was happy but there's a doubt. Whatever it is, I should not gave that a meaning. If only I could, I will grab the chance to steal him whatever it takes, but I realize his a good friend of mine and I must not ruin his life nor his wedding.

I avoided his stares when I noticed my eyes was getting wet from the tears that I kept holding since the day came. I couldn't believe myself why I am here in his wedding and why I agreed to be one of his brides maid.

"Angel.." I heard he called me, but I walked into the opposite direction where I should sit, where I should be far away from him. Ana who was at my back walking, also stop to hug Sir Zayne. I don't want to look at him again, it's time to let go of him.

All of the waiting, assuming, hope and dreams of him will be buried as this day came, right here in this church. I need to be happy for his happiness. Maybe I will still love him but that love must not destroy him, or even them. I will love him just like the way he wants, a friend.

The big door opened as the bride make her entrance. She walked stunningly with grace, marching herself with the veils covered her face wearing her white gown. She was embed with happiness, claiming what she came for, her wedding to Sir Zayne.

I look at the woman with a guilt in my eyes, I think I want to object inside. It doesn't make sense, it will just break his girlfriend and probably Sir Zayne will be angry if I do so. So I decided to keep it and let myself suffer from the consequences. I already knew he loves someone but I kept hoping he would see me more than a friend. I shouldn't done that.

The spirit that I had in hoping more for him didn't came, I had lose my strength seeing them together on their wedding. It stub my heart and I could felt it bleeds profusely. I had felt a thousand times of dying seeing them happy.

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