13. Silent judge

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Angie wasn't sure she was cut out for parkour, but damn it, she was going to try. It was much harder than she thought it would ever be. And seeing Tom jumping, swinging, balancing off stuff was more impressive than she wanted to admit. Even if his mood had suddenly turned foul.

Okay, maybe, just maybe, all her secrecy was annoying. But she couldn't help it. She wanted Tom to look at her curiously, like he did now, like she was a puzzle, a mystery, a mirage. Not look at her with pity. Or worse, expectation.

He'd never look at you like that. Not like the leering teacher, her customers, the people back home who knew how desperate her family was. Maybe not, but she'd rather not give him the chance either. Their relationship was comfortable the way it was.

At least for her. And she decided to be selfish for once. She didn't ask stuff about him. Why did he need to know about her?

But the foul mood kinda got to her. Enough for others to notice.

"Ah, come on, Angie," Lily said, pulling on her arm. "Cheer up. It's going to be okay."

"Yes, of course..." Except she didn't know that. She never did. And she kinda needed advice. She'd thought of going to Kay, but knew what her friend would say.

Just tell the truth and get it over with. If he's a sleaze bag, kick him and walk away. If he's not, she'll know he's not and take it from there, move on. She didn't want to move on. Didn't want to find out if Tom was a sleaze bag or not. She just wanted to spend time with him like they were now. She wanted to freeze the two of them in a bubble, the rest of the world be damned.

So maybe it was time to ask someone else. "I'm kinda having guy trouble," she admitted sheepishly.

Lily's eyes widened and she suddenly looked a lot more interested. "I didn't think you had time for guys, Angel."

"It's..." Ugh, how did she even start explaining this. "I'm sort of seeing someone, but we're more hanging out than anything. But he's starting to get curious about me."

"So? It means he likes you."

Did it? Not the point. "Yeah, but..."

Lily tilted her head, waiting for the rest of her explanation.

Damn it. She should just get it out. Lily was a girl. She wouldn't be all over the news.

"Look, I'm a bit on the down side with cash. That's why I study so much. My only chance to get into college is a full scholarship. And my family is depending on me."

"We kinda gathered that," Lily said with a nod. "Ross and I. It's pretty easy to tell by your clothes, the fact that you barely eat. But why is that a problem?"

Angie stared at her new friend, wondering if it was really that obvious and she was making an unnecessarily big deal out of it. It must be obvious or the teacher wouldn't be harassing her. Could Tom already know, then? But, on the bright side, Lily and Ross didn't care and it made her feel much better.

"It's just... people have always tried taking advantage of me because I'm poor. Try to get me to do... um, stuff for money or food." Or grades.

Lily frowned. "That's awful."

"Yes. That's why I avoid telling people. And why I don't want to tell this guy. I don't want him to look at me any differently."

"Then don't tell him. He can't make you." Lily shrugged. "Just deflect. And if he doesn't like it, screw him."

Angie smiled, because she totally agreed. She didn't want her relationship with Tom to change. Well, not in the way they'd both start sharing sensitive information. It wasn't forever. Why couldn't they just have fun?

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