Part 3

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Dean saw the man in front of him recoil backwards and hit his head against the rocks really hard. That's when he saw that this man, his really hot man, HAD A FREAKING TAIL!!!. He rose the surface and looked at Sam, panicking.

"Dean! what's Wrong?!?!" Sam said rushing to him, that's when he saw the blood rising to the surface.

"SEXY MAN... TAIL....ROCKS....BLOOD!!!" This was all Dean could get out and somehow Sam understood. Sam dove into the water and lifted this man, thing, the surface trying to stay calm at the fact that he had a freaking tail. Dean just watched, freaking out but at the same time mesmerised by the beautiful man and his beautiful tail.
"Dean!" Sam said looking at him panicking. "Get dad!"

Dean didn't waste any time, he ran into the throne room dripping wet, his dad was talking to his uncle Bobby. He nearly tripped over his own feet as he ran. "Dean! What do you think you're doing?!?!" His Dad (the king) said booming.
"Dad, someone'shurtweneedhelpnowwellnotreallysomeonesomethingitsamermanthing" Dean said all at once. King john was too stunned to do anything but Bobby ran outside to help Sam when he saw him carrying the merman down the corridor. Dean followed them to the medical bay as Sam carried it and Bobby wrapped a blanket around his waist, and as if on cue the merman's tail turned into legs.

"How did you know to do that Bobby?" he asked as they ran through the corridor.
"This ain't the first time I've dealt with one of these people and I can tell you now that we are in big trouble." He said as the entered the medical bay and doctors took the man away.
"What do you mean we're in trouble?" Sam asked obviously interested as they sat down in the waiting room.

"Well like I said, it ain't the first time I've dealt with these people and they don't particularly like us. Human have a habit of harpooning there kind and they're not to pleased about that. This could generally class as a kidnapping, we just have to hope he had a friend with him to tell them back at home that we're trying to help him, or we're in for some serious trouble."
"Oh" Was all Dean could say. Sam however, being the nerd he was, wanted to know more about them.
"So what are they?" He asked.
"Exactly what you think they are. Mermen. And they don't take kindly to missing family." Bobby warned as a servant walked in holding a silver crown with a blue big blue jewel at the front with a smaller one either side.
"We found this on the beach sir" He said handing it to Dean. "I think it belongs to your friend." He walked away and Dean looked at it. It was a lot simpler than the ones he and Sam wore (they weren't currently wearing them) but it was by far the most beautiful crown he had ever seen. He was contemplating this when he heard Bobby groan.
"What is it?" Sam asked.
"Good news or bad news first?"
"Good news" Dean answered.
"Well the way you're looking at that you've never seen it before, right?"
"So then our merman's friend must have brought it to shore, basically telling he knows were helping Castiel."
"Castiel?" Dean said wondering how Bobby got his name.
"What the bad news?" Sam said, both Bobby and Sam ignoring him.
"We have the Kings youngest son in our home, the crown is how I figured his name Dean. He is going to be extremely overprotective with this boy. We make one mistake and we're dead."
"Well that's just peachy." Dean said sarcastically.


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