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Five years. It's been five years since she died. Five years since I lost everything important to me. Five years since I lost my best friend, my soulmate, my girlfriend. Five years since I lost Tris Prior. She was everything to me, she was my whole world. I still can't believe what happened. Three years ago, we zip lined and spread her ashes throughout the wind of Chicago. You're probably are wondering what happened to me, and to Chicago. So here's my story. Three days after we spread her ashes, I decided to move to New York City. Now, you're probably wondering how I know New York exists Actually, they all exist, every city, state, country, continent all of them. Wait, you're probably really confused, so let me explain. The Bureau of Genetic-Welfare had made us believe that Chicago was the only city left, and that we were the only hope that humanity had. Well, that was all a lie. You see, Chicago was the only experiment. The rest of the United States was the same. We had been kept in our city by the walls, that have now been torn down, the walls that I had scaled with her and our friends after the war. We had done that to explore the world outside of Chicago. The city has been rebuilt to its original standings, and everyone is caught up to date on all things that are modern. There are no more Factions, which makes my tattoo on my back worthless. But, I keep it, because it reminds me of her. I'm on my way back to Chicago for a Faction/Dauntless reunion. I had gotten a text from my Dauntless, best friend Zeke about three months ago, telling me what was going on. At first, I really didn't want to go back to the place where it all started, because it's just too painful. All of the memories I have there of her, some good, and some bad. But it is all just too painful now. I look over at my girlfriend, Nita, who is sleeping on the seat next to me on the plane. Yes, I do have a girlfriend. I still love and miss Tris, but I had to move on, it's what she would have wanted for me, she is just to abnegation, to selfless. She risked her life by going into the weapons lab five years ago. She did it so her brother Caleb wouldn't have to. "Ladies and Gentleman would you please return to your assigned seats and buckle up as we prepare for landing," the lady over the intercom says, snapping me back to reality, "We will be landing in Chicago in approximately fifteen minutes. Thank you, and we hope enjoyed your flight."
After we have landed I wake up Nita and we get off the plane, we go get our luggage and then I hear someone yell, "Tobias Eaton!" I turn around to see my best friend, Zeke Pedrad, standing up against a 2016 Ford Eclipse black pick-up truck.
"Hey man," I say with a smile walking up to him with Nita right behind me. "What's going on?" I ask him.
"Nothing much, just thought that I would drive down here to pick you up from the airport. Who's this?" He asks gesturing towards Nita.
"This is my girlfriend, Nita. She worked at the Bureau while we were there." Zeke's smile begins to fade as if he knows something I don't.
"Nice to meet you, Nita, I'm sure you'll love the city. The girls are very excited to meet you. Shall we go? Everyone is waiting for us back at my old Dauntless apartment," and with that, we head to the old Dauntless compound that is filled with so many memories of her.

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