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Tris POV:
I decided to leave the reunion after about an hour and half of dancing. I think that the gang sensed that something was up, and probably didn't want to talk about it, so they let me be, which I appreciated. I never saw Tobias again that night. I decided to call him Four since I no longer feel he deserves for me to call him his actual name he told me five years ago. Today is our first official day of the reunion, yesterday after my dance competition, my friends and I moved my stuff into the apartment that I will be using while we stay at Dauntless, and will live, while we pretend like the factions are normal, and the war never broke out for the next three months. I'm on my way to the cafeteria to get my job official 'Dauntless job,' when I see him, Four walking down the corridor, I quickly duck my head and turn in the other hallway that leads to the cafeteria. But, it was too late, he saw me.
"Tris!" He says, oh no I think.
"Leave me alone," I tell him walking away.
"No, Tris. Please just talk to me, let me explain."
"Explain what Four?" I see him cringe as I say his nickname. "What is there to explain? You've moved on. I saw you kissing Nita," I almost barf as her name leaves my mouth, "I saw you kissing her in our special spot in the chasm, the spot where you told me you loved me, the spot where we had our first kiss."
"Tris I-"
"No Four," I cut him off and walk away. I realize that I was on the verge of tears.
Quickly, I make my to the cafeteria, trying to find my friends. Once I find them I quickly grab a seat in between Christina and Zeke. They both give each other strange looks, "Are you okay?" Christina asks, her voice full of concern. I nod my head, yes, and then the assembly begins.

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