Coming Home

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Tris POV:
I feel like I've been flying forever! I'm supposed to be arriving in Chicago in a about an hour or so. I've finished all of my homework that I had for the next three months since I'll be doing this dance competition, and then staying in Chicago to go to the Dauntless/Faction reunion that'll be happening. I've also already finished "Grey's Anatomy," so to pass the time I decide to do some low-key Instagram and Twitter stalking on my old friends. I don't know why but there is something satisfying about low-key stalking people on Instagram and Twitter, you learn a lot about someone from their social media pages. For the most part, it looks like nothing has changed with my friends, there really isn't anything new that Christina hadn't already filled me in on yesterday. She practically talked my ear off for about two hours, until I told her I had to start getting ready for the press conference. My uncle comes out of his office, which is really just this curtained off area with a chair and a desk, he tells me that we should be landing in about ten minutes so I need to turn my laptop and phone off and buckle up. After we have landed and gotten our luggage I look around to see if I would recognize anyone. Chase had told me that there may be a surprise for me at the airport when I get here, I scan the room looking to see if I recognize anyone or anything, then I spot it, I spot them my parents, who weren't really dead either I guess, standing there with my brother Caleb. I let out a girly type squeal and run up to hug them. They instantly wrap their arms around me, engulfing me in a huge hug.
"We missed you so much Beatrice," my father tells me. My mother, Natalie, looks like she is on the verge of tears, and then I turn to see my brother, with a huge smile on his face, he has his hands outstretched signaling that he wants a hug from me. My mother tells me how grown up I look, and how much she missed me. We finally leave the airport, and I hope that I ditched the security that the president and my uncle had stuck on me, for extra safety measures, but I am sure they are around here somewhere. After we get home, Caleb tells me that everyone wants to see me. He asks if I want to go and see them before the big reunion kickoff party tonight held in the old Dauntless Compound. I, of course, say yes, and practically drag him out the door.
I walk in the door to Zeke and Shauna's apartment and all the girls quickly get up and start squealing as they run to hug me.
"Ahh, Tris! We missed so, so, so much!" Marlene squeals in my ear.
"I missed you guys too," I say gasping for air as she is squeezing the living daylights out of me. I soon as I make my way around the room, giving all the girls a hug, Zeke, and Uriah come out of the
"Man Cave," Zeke says, "What is with all of the screaming?" Shauna then nods in my direction, Zeke, and Uriah then break into a huge grin, and both run up to hug me. They practically knock me over, and then I realize how much I missed these dorks.
"So, Tris, have you talked to Four at all?" Christina asks me after the screaming and hugging stopped.
"Uh no, I didn't even know he was back," I say cautiously.
"Are you going to the reunion party tonight? He's going to be there," says Zeke.
"Yeah, I was planning on it,"
"Eeeek!" Christina squeals in my ear interrupting me, "Guess who's going shopping!"
"Christina," I say, "I already have something to wear, actually, I'm wearing a Sherri Hill dress," I tell her. "Why don't you guys come over to my house and we can all get ready there, then the boys can pick us up and take us to the reunion party?" I suggest.
"Yeah, let's do that," Zeke says, "Then you guys and have some much-needed girl time."
"Sounds like a plan then," Cara says, Christina, Shauna, and Marlene agree.
With that, we head out and tell the boys that we will see them later.

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