The Meeting

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Tris POV:
The girls and I have been jamming out to our favorite artists, the whole way here. We are now walking down the old, echoing stone hallways of the compound down to the pit. Walking down these hallways feels so familiar, and welcoming like I have been doing it forever. When we start making the walk down the carpeted, grand gold and black staircase that they have leading down to the pit, everyone stops what they are doing and looks over at us. It is kind of creepy, people start cheering and when I get to the bottom, Max, and the other old Dauntless leaders walking up to me, along with Amar and George they all tell me welcome back, and that they are looking forward to having back at Dauntless for the reunion. I tell them thank you, and make my way over to the rest of the gang, people would occasionally stop me or walk up to me, tell me welcome back and how proud they are of me. To think five years ago I was a weak little stiff from Abnegation, who nobody thought would make it in dauntless. I scan the room looking for Tobias, and when I finally give up, I ask Uriah if he's seen him.
"I think Zeke said he went down the chasm," the chasm, I break into a smile, knowing that's the place where Tobias and I had our first kiss.
"Thanks, Uriah," I tell him and make my way down to the chasm.
When I get down there I instantly hear the familiar roar and calming-ness of the waves hitting against the rocks. It's difficult making the trek down the rocks in my heels and dress, but it will all be worth it I think, I'll get to see Tobias again. I hear someone talking as I get closer and realize that the voice is Tobias, I smile to myself, but then my smile slowly fades away when I hear a woman's voice; the voice sounds very familiar to me, but I just can't quite place it. I duck under the last ledge of rocks to Tobias's and I's secret place, when I realize the I don't hear talking anymore, I look over the last big boulder in my way, to find Tobias sitting in the exact same spot he sat where he kissed me, kissing the girl whose voice I heard earlier. Then I realize the girl's voice that I heard is Nita, the girl that he is kissing right now in our special spot is my enemy from the bureau, Nita. The girl who tried to take Tobias away from me five years ago. He's kissing her in our special spot. My phone rings, scaring me I fall breaking a heal.
"What was that?" I hear Nita say.
"I don't know, let me go look," Tobias says. He peers over the rock to and his eyes widen in disbelief. "Tris?!?" He whisper-yells, not believing what he is seeing.

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