T H R E E - Screw this place! √

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"Mate. Mate. Go Mate," my wolf, Rain, said, scratching my skull. What the fuck bro.

"Mate," I blurted out.

"No," he said. Disgust written all over his face. "I, Blake Michell, reject you as my mate."

Tears started welling up in my eyes and they started falling down. My heart burned and broke into thousands of pieces. No rejection should happen in this day and age. It was the 21st century, rejections were unheard of.

If he rejects me, he must not want me. Why hold on to something you wouldn't have?

His love...

"I, Chrissy Anderson, accept your-your re-rejection." I choked out, swallowing down the tears.

Being rejected is as good as death.

He walked out of the room without another glance and gave an order to the pack.

"From now onwards, Chrissy Anderson,will be degraded to an omega."

Too weak.

With that sentence, from my mate - the one person that I thought will love me and cherish me till death do us apart. I let out a choked sob as I crumbled to the ground.

I gave up.

Tonight I would escape. I would not tolerate this torture anymore.

The thought lingered in my mind as Samantha tried to comfort me. But I told her I needed to be alone, and she left me in my attic room, as the tears sprung to my eyes but I held them down.

He's not worth it.

None of them is worth it.


I'm leaving tonight. Away from the pack, away from my family and most of all,

My Mate.

He shall regret rejecting me. I would make him regret his choice.

I took out my suitcase and filled it up with my sweat pants, shorts, PJ's and my t-shirt. I bought some of my dressees and my make up and my smart phone.

Before I left, I figured that I should leave a note so that they knew I was gone.

"And never be able to disrespect us again" my wolf sneered.

Wooh, I like her.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote:

To: Pack members

I hate you all. Fuck you all for never defending me, I was suppose to be your family. I was a innocent child with a innocent mind. You ruined me. And I will ruin yours. I will be back one day.

After that I put the piece of paper on the bed. Simple.

Okay. The title of my book was sort of clickbait. I'm not really coming back. They're not worth it. Besides, I bet I have better things to do then to hold on to anger.

Did I forgot to mention me and my brother are the only Amathaths family left?

No... Probably not. Since we're only three chapters in.

Amathath families were rare. We were able to talk to the Moon Goddness, Selene. The Amathath Pack was destroyed when the Vampires suddenly attacked and only my mother survived, and we were the strongest pack the the world! My mother was a Amathath and my dad wasn't, yet they were mates.

Clarissa? She had always thought she was the apple of our father's eyes -- technically she is. But if my father had known she was adopted, she wouldn't be. Too bad, he doesn't believe anything I say.

Our powers would only appear after your shift. My brother did not have the powers of the elements but only to talk to Selene, so I was the only one to who had the powers... At least that's what I thought. The letter I wrote in the wardrobe said:

Dear mate:

Guess what! I'm pregnant with your child!

Just kidding.

Honey, I am from the Amathath family. My brother is too. We are able to talk to the Moon Goddness, Selene. Me and my brother were told that we were not supposed to tell anyone expect for our mates. My brother has the power to talk to The Moon Goddness but not the power of elements. (basically fire, water, wind and earth if you failed school.)

We were born to be leaders.

So suck it up because you just rejected an Amathath!

And don't tell anyone about this except for my brother. I had to tell you before I leave since its mandatory for mates to know. Burn this piece of paper and forget me, you asshole. By the way, go to hell. Never loved you and never will!

I made sure to seal the letter, and topped it up with the words:

Confidential. To be read by Alpha Blake.

I jumped out of my window, hissing as my legs made the impact. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to jump. I walked around a bit, trying to readjusting my fallen possessions and called my cousin, who was in the other pack, which was called the Dark Moon Pack, a.k.a. the world's largest pack -- not the strongest, but it was big. Like, Russia Big!

"Hello, Cindy?" I said into the phone, zipping up my bag with one hand. Mind you, I was failing quite miserably. I think my tampon just fell out.

"Yes Chris? Why did you call me?" she asked, I could hear her smiling at the other side.

Jokes. How the fuck would I know she was smiling?

Because I'm a special main character in a cliché book and I have superpowers.

I rolled my eyes, this isn't that kind of book.

"I've decided to join your pack. I just ran out of the stupid pack and I'm out of the border now."

"Okay. I will tell the Alpha come to our territory fast." She muttered. "Finally, sheesh. Those years of you being their stupid maid was really hard to look at."

"Thanks, Cindy." I bit my lips, ignoring her last comment. I'm always hard to look at, what is she talking about?

I ran and ran to The Dark Moon Pack Border. Because of my werewolf speed, and of course the shortcut through the forest, I reached there in a few hours instead of a few days by car. (Because wolves are faster than cars at 90km/h right?) I shifted back into my human and walked to the guards.

"Rogue. Get away or we will kill you," the first guard said, baring his teeth.

"I'm here to talk to your Alpha. My cousin, Cindy, told the Alpha about my arrival." I said, confidently. Must be all that wolf making me like this. I like myself for now.

"Hold on." I could tell that he was mindlinking the Alpha as his blue eyes started to turn yellow.

"The Alpha has allowed you to go in." He led me to the pack house, which was probably thrice the size of my ex-pack house. The basement was the game room with an x-box, loads of arcade games and a giant theatre.

The first floor is the living room, the second floor is the kitchen and the third floor is the playground for children. The rest?


Oh My Gosh.

I bet there's gonna be alot pack members here. Oh my, this was going to be weird. And horrifying. I'm not good with children.

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