F O U R - This isn't so bad √

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The guards led me to the top floor, which was the Alpha's room and office.

He knocked at door once.



I was getting impatient so I just turned the door knob and opened the door. The guard just stared at me with his jaw almost hitting the floor.

The Alpha was just sitting on the table,and when he heard the door open he turned his head to me and stared.

"I didn't ask you to come in. Acting bold, are we?" he chuckled, which was creeping me out in the inside but I remained calm on the outside. I needed to show the Alpha that I would not be like the old Chrissy since I ran away from my pack.

"I am sorry sir but you didn't answer the knocks so I just let myself in," I said in a loud and clear voice.

"Well, one of my pack members told me that she is your cousin, am I correct?" I nodded. He didn't beat me up - that was a good sign.

"Well, congrats. You are welcome to join our pack and we will not treat you like the last pack... You've been through enough." He said, looking at me sympathetically.

"We trust our members to only allow trust worthy wolfs to join us. Prove yourself to me..." He paused.

"Name, my dear?"

"Chrissy -- Anderson." I replied.

"Chrissy." He nods."The ceromony will be held next Monday, am I clear?" he used his Alpha tone on me.

"Yes Sir - I mean Alpha," I said while beaming.

New life, here I come.


Today was the day of my ceromony. My new life was starting today. For days I've been sleeping in the guest room. It was awkward to have wolves watching me all the time because I was still a rogue until I was officially joined into the pack. My new bestfriend, Hannah, helped me with my make up.

I met Hannah while I was making eggs downstairs, don't ask me how. But we just... Fit together like puzzles.

"Are you done yet?" I asked Hannah impatiently. We have been doing this for the past few hours. Hannah uses a makeup sponge and swipes off something off my ear.

"Oh, shut up, you dumbo. Stop asking . .....Mhm...Like that...and....DONE!" She squealed, keeping the sponge in a sparkly pink bag.

Finally done. I looked at the mirror and gasped. Holy shit!

The girl in the mirror looked clean, and nice, unlike me. I wore a clean white dress to my knees. Hannah didn't put on any makeup for me, I think. My legs are too numb and my head is starting to hurt from sitting down for so long.

"Hannah... is that me?" I asked. I had never been so clean and tidy - looking finally like a pack member. I either have eggs in my hair, or orange juice in my shirt.

"Yup. Now shoo and go for the ceromony! The Alpha told you to go down!" she said. She probably gotten the mindlink.

"Wait! You can go first... I've got to do something else before I leave."

"Fine?" She pouted at me. After she left, I took out my phone and sent a text to Samantha:

Hey Sam! I am joining the other pack, Dark Moon Pack. I miss you so muchhhhhhh! Plz don't tell anyone where I went or I will killll you! :p And do I have any marks on my wolf?

I sent the text and a few minutes later, Sam messaged back.

omg GIRLLLLLLL! I won't tell anyone, I pinky promise! As for your wolf, I didn't tell you this because I was scared you would freak out. Since you asked me, your wolf has a moon on your forehead and the symbols, water, fire, wind and earth on your neck. lol u must be some mutant or something cool. x

I replied her with a simple "Thanks" and ran downstairs for the ceromony. Trust Sam to be the don't-give-a-fuck-type, I didn't plan on telling anyone about my identity. The whole pack was there. It wasn't that scary, surprisingly I'm coping with this well.

I walked up to the stage and the Alpha was dressed up quite nicely, with a suit and tie and all.

"Do you,Chrissy Anderson, accept our request for you to join our pack and let us protect you from any harm?" he said in his Alpha Tone.

"I accept your request, Alpha," I replied, grinning from ear to ear.

He then used a needle to poke my finger and also his and asked me to suck his blood in order for the bond to work.

Super weird, I know.

I flinched when the needle poked through the surface of my skin. He did the same and after the ceromony, the party went on.

I was very tired so I went back to my room. Did I mention that my new room was big? With blue wallpaper? Yes, blue is my favorite color. It was just luck that I got a nice room that I liked.

I went to my room and jumped onto my bed and slept, sighing, I faintly remembered smilling and falling into a deep, peaceful slumber. It was peace at last.

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