F I V E - This book moves fast √

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-Five Years Later-

"Up, down, up down," I yelled, flapping my t shirt to fan air to my face. My nose scrunched in disgust when I could smell my own sweat, urgh.

I was the Beta of the pack now and I have learnt to control my powers . Who said I needed help?

This book moves fast, catch up!

The powers made me powerful and, therefore, I became the Beta of the pack since I have Amathaths blood. I was bigger than the Alpha and Beta, but I wasn't very much interested in leading , though. If people started to jump out and insult me-- that is if they had a death wish, I punch them.

My wolf hated people who insults her and call her ugly and fat, talking about her...

She has learned to accept that the fucking hell of a mate is not good enough for her.

Well until today, she was happy. I guess.

"Meeting at 1pm today at the meeting room. Beta, third-in-command and the top three warriors only," the Alpha said through mindlink.

I went to meet the Alpha. The Beta was me. The Third-in-Command was Delta (literally.) and the top 3 warriors are Bryan, Bryan's twin brother, Bryce and Dan.

When we got to the room, I peeked my head through the room. I could see the Alpha sitting at the end of the table, his eyebrows furrowed together with worries.

"Damn, dude, what got your man panties in a twist?" I asked, throwing my body onto one of the turnings chairs.

The Alpha shook his head. I gulped, sitting up straight. This was.. serious.

"We have gotten information from the Alphas around the world.. There is a series of rogue attacks by unknown lone wolves. It left half the packs in Australia totally destroyed, and nearly all, if not most of the packs in South America dead." He sighed, rubbing his left temple, a worried look on his face.

"An informant had just told us via the internet that Blackwolf pack has been attacked, The casualties is minimum, but the pack is on high alert. They are seeking help from us to help train their pack members, and offers an ally and money in exchange for our help."


I bit my lips. "Alpha.. you can't-"

"I know, Chrissy, I know! Goddamn it!" He smacked his clenched fists onto the wooden floor, spilling the cup of water over the edge and splashing the clear liquid on the velvet mat. I swallowed, taking a small step back.

"I'm sorry, Chrissy.. You, and Delta will be in charge of the training. We'll send 8 more pack members to assist you guys. You will leave tomorrow morning. Dismissed."

He turned away without a second glance. I opened my mouth to speak, but shut it and exited out the door.

This... is my duty? Isn't it?


"Chrissy, you seriously took 2 hours to pack?come on!" Bryan shouted.I took my time as I dress up nicely for my mate.

It was a quick rush to get to the other pack, I had to pack my bag early in the morning and we were going to leave just the very next day we were informed. I didn't had any chance to day goodbye to anyone.

I quickly put on some make-up and was getting ready to go down when I heard Rain sighed.

What's wrong? I asked, worried.

Nothing...I ju-just, I miss my mate. she whimpered.

I sighed, I thought she got over that bastard.

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