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Don't be afraid to give yourself everything you've ever wanted in life.

Song: I Never Told You by Colbie Caillat


The moment I saw his face again I knew what a big mistake I had done. I still loved Luke Hemmings and I had let my happiness go all because I cared about what one of my 'friends' thought of my boyfriend.

What a big mistake that was, Luke had made me happy, and now here he was dating my enemy and I had a daughter he didn't even know was his.

Now here I was, able to tell him I had a daughter that was his, I could change both our life but again, like the coward I am, I ran from the thought of telling him. I was too scared he wouldn't believe me, too scared he'd want to take her from me. I was too afraid Luke would want to make Jean my daughters step mom, I would much rather prefer any other girl but the fact he was now with Jean made me so angry I even thought about never seeing him again and never telling him about Anastasia.

♪♪♪ Flash Forward ♪♪♪

I had three backstage passes, one for Ana, Honey, and me- I was nervous, it had been five years and I was finally going to see the person I've loved after such a long time. Security pushed everybody back some before opening the doors for backstage before motioning for everyone to get in one long line.

Lucky for Honey and me we got in the front of the lining meaning we got to get through easily. Anastasia jumped happily in my arms- she had quickly become a fan of 5 Seconds of Summer and most of all she knew that Luke Hemmings was her father. She was actually quite a smart girl, she knew not to say anything until I talked to him.

Yet, there was this feeling in my stomach, a feeling telling me that I had to keep a close eye on Ana or she could spill the whole truth before I even get a chance to talk to him. "Veronica?" I hear Luke's ruff voice ask making me look up. I could feel my cheeks grow red as he studied me and I quickly turned to look down at my daughter who was looking at Luke with a big bright smile on her face.

"Luke." I said finally looking up at him.

"Veronica, what are you doing here?" I heard a high pitched voice of the girl I hated so much.

"Jean." I said sourly, my stomach churning and I had the sudden feeling of throwing up. "If you must know, my daughter here is a big fan of 5 Seconds of Summer and she really wanted to come meet them." I said looking down at Anastasia who let go of my hand and moved so that she was now standing in front of Luke.

"What are you doing here?" I asked pulling Anastasia back so that she wouldn't say anything to Luke.

"I thought your daughter was a fan, everyone who likes Luke's band knows I'm his girlfriend." Jean said with a smirk and I felt my heart drop.

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