Chapter Three | ✓

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Chapter ThreeWarning

I notice everything. I just act like I don't.

Song: Pretty Brown Eyes by Cody Simpsons


The next day I knew exactly who I was going to ask out. She didn't seem to take a liking to Veronica so I wondered what Veronica's thoughts were on her. Getting into the music studio I walked over to the seat placed right beside hers. "Hey, uh- I don't think I got your name yesterday." I said turning my head so that I was looking at her with a smile on my face, my lip piercing stuck between my teeth.

"Jean Robertson." Jean said sticking her hand out. "And your Luke Hemmings, we all introduced ourselves yesterday for the first class." Jean said making me blush in embarrassment.

"Yes, of course we did." I said before turning back to the front of the class. Picking up the guitar sitting next to me I began to tune it before letting out a sigh and turning back to Jean. "Uh, would you like to go out for coffee after this class?"

"I have history." Jean said making me curse inwardly. How was I going to get some other girl to go out with me. Why was I going through so much trouble for Veronica when she was a rude brat who only cared for herself. "But, we could go during lunch?" Jean said with a smile making me smile.

"That's perfect."

Veronica Green's P.O.V

"Veronica! Veronica! I've been looking for you all over!" Honey called out running towards me with her cell phone out and held in front of her. "I was just in the bathroom when I heard Jean talking to her friends and I was able to record some of what they were talking about."

I scrunched my eyebrow together wondering what Honey was going on about. "What?" I asked, I was then met with Honey shoving her phone in my face as she struggled to catch her breath.

"Press... play..." Honey said between breaths. With a sigh I took the phone from her hands and pressed play.

"So you don't really like him?"

"Of course not!" Jean laughed. "But it's obvious Veronica likes him so if he's asking me out and not her I've got to take it to shove it in her face that I- once again- am getting the guy and not her."

"Where are you guys meeting?" One of Jeans friends asked.

"He wanted to meet at Starbucks but, I told him we should meet at Roses, you know, Veronica's favorite cafe because it's where her parents met." Jean laughed and I rolled my eyes. So they were going to my cafe, the recording stopped and I handed the phone back to Honey.

"So Jean thinks I like Luke," I said thoughtfully. "Fine." I said before walking out of te school not stopping at Honeys calls. Instead I crossed the street to the girls house before changing out of my ballet uniform and walking back out to get to Roses Cafe.

Getting to the cafe I was greeted by the usual workers, one in particular being Madison a middle aged lady who knew my parents when she was younger. Her mother owned the cafe, and upon seeing me she shoved one of her workers to come and bring me my usual order.

I took a seat at the very front of the cafe to make sure Luke would notice me upon entering. It was too cold to sit outside so from where I was sitting I knew Luke would have a perfect view of me no matter where he sat.


By the time Luke and Jean came into the cafe I was on my fifth apple turn over and my laptop was now sitting on the table beside me as I looked through videos of ballet dances and emails sent to me from my father. He owned a modeling agency and he always tried to get me to work there but he knew ballet was my life. I did however at times do photoshoots for his company.

"Veronica?" I heard Luke question making me look up at him. Upon seeing Jean I rolled my eyes and turned back to look at Luke.

"What are you doing here?" I asked obliviously. Luke smiled at me and turned to look at Jean.

"I'm on a date, I'll see you around." Luke said. With a scoff I shoved my half eaten apple turn over away and kept my gaze on Luke and Jean from behind my laptop so that they wouldn't be able to see me.

Jean thought this was getting to me but little did she know that Luke had asked me out first. Like always Jean was the second serving but this time I was going to be the one to make her suffer.

Shutting my laptop off I put it into my bag and stood up walking towards Luke who was waiting in line to order. "I'd be careful with Jean, she's not a girl you'd want to be dating." I said waiting behind Luke as he ordered. When the lady at the register turned Luke let out a laugh and then sighed.

"Oh, and you are?" Luke asked make me roll my eyes. I could care less who Luke dated, lie, if I didn't care then why was I here.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I said before turning around to leave. Just as I walked out the cafe door I felt somebody grab my hand and pull me back. Turning around I was met with Luke's electrifying blue eyes.

"Why do you and Jean hate each other so much?" Luke asked and I rolled my eyes, was he always this nosey?

"That would be none of your business." I said pulling my hand away from his and turning around to leave again. I knew he would turn to ask Jean and she would tell him a lie but I knew the truth and that was all that mattered.

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