Chapter Seven

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Chapter SevenA Little too Full of Yourself

❝ She was different from anything he had ever known.❞ -The Professor

Song: The Feeling by Justin Bieber ft. Halsey


Veronica Green's P.O.V

Two days later- like Mrs. Reese said- the list was up on the bulletin board on who would be getting what part.

Walking over to the post I slid my finger down the list until I found my name. I then slid my finger to the left to see 'Princess Aurora' written beside my name.

Letting out a happy squeal I turned around and ran over to my friends. "I got the part!" I said happily and they began cheering for me.

"We have to do something to celebrate you getting the role! Why don't we go shopping?"

"Yes! We deserve to treat ourselves as you two will be some of the fairies." I said happily.


My driver picked us up, currently we were at the mall roaming through every store we could get to till our arms were filled with bags and we could not carry anymore. We were currently the living motto of 'shop till you drop.' Once we couldn't carry anymore we called my driver to take all the bags back to the car while we went to grab a bite to eat at the food court.

Honey and Molly went to the Subway corner. I decided to just get a green drink from Kiva Juice, once I got my order I met my friends at a table that was far away from people and we began to eat. "Ugh," I heard Molly say making me look up."Now he's stalking you."

I turned my head in the direction that Molly was looking to see Luke seated at a table in the food court talking to some dude holding a brand new skateboard. I knew it was new because it was still wrapped and in a bag with the words Off the Vans or whatever written across it in huge white letters and some black design enclosing the words.

"What is he doing here?" I asked putting my drink down. "I'm tired of him, I'll be right back." I said angrily, I then got up from my seat and stomped my way towards Luke. Luckily for him the boy he was talking to left.

"What are you doing here?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. Luke looked up at me from his seat and I glared at him. "I need you to stop trying, you will never be good enough for me! No matter how hard you try."

"What are you talking about? I'm not stalking you." Luke said letting out a laugh. "You need to get over yourself Veronica, not everything in the world revolves around you ok. I'm not spending my time like some lost puppy following you you're not that important." Luke said before turning around to walk away.

"Get lost." Is all I said rolling my eyes I let out a huff and walked back to the table were my friends where sitting.

"What happened?" Molly asked pushing her plate of salad away from her.

"He claimed he wasn't stalking me." I said rolling my eyes. I didn't want to tell them everything Luke said to me but now that I was thinking about it Luke was crazy. The world does revolve around me, I do anything and everyone makes sure to take notice. I was the most popular and rich girl at school.

Luke Hemmings' P.O.V

I rubbed the back of my neck in anger, was she really that conceited that she believed I would be following her around? Why did I even like this girl? She was so full of herself and she was nothing like the girls I usually went out with. She was to much.

Walking out of the mall I set my skateboard down and got on it. Should I even be trying? Was this girl even worth it? I let out a sigh, yes, she was worth it.

But why? I pushed myself on the skateboard wondering what made this girl so worth it to me when she was such a brat. My phone started ringing and I brought the skateboard to a stop so that I could see who was calling. It was Michael.

"Hey mate." Michael said and I let out another sigh.

"Hey." Is all I said, I wasn't really in the mood to talk, why did I even answer the phone call?

"What's wrong?" Michael asked and I shook my head to calm myself from the current thoughts I was having about Veronica.

"It's nothing, this girl just gets on my fucking nerves." I said letting out a laugh. "She claimed I was stalking her just because I was at the mall at the same time she was. I didn't even know she was there."

Michael let out a laugh making me roll my eyes, "Is this the same chick you asked out?" he asked and I bit my bottom lip.

"Yes, she is actually." I said sitting down on my skateboard. "She's really stuck up, I don't know why I like her."

"I'm sure there's a reason, you'll figure it out soon, I was actually just calling to see how you're doing your mum told us she's been calling but you haven't been answering." I let out a sigh. "You should really answer her before she has a heart attack."

"I'll call her tonight." I said. "Bye."

"Bye." Michael said before the line went dead and I got back up to get to the skate park on my skateboard.

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