Chapter Nine | ✓

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Chapter NineHurt

You keep it on the inside cause that's the safest place to hide it.

Song: Scars To Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara


When we got to Sunny Parlor, Molly had let out a groan pointing over to a table. "What are those two freaks doing here?" Molly asked as Honey and I turned around to see that she was talking about Luke who was sitting at a table outside with Jean.

I rolled my eyes at them and turned to Molly, "Should we go somewhere else?" I asked crossing my arms. Molly shook her head as she walked into the restaurant.

"No, we'll ask for a table inside." Molly said and so when we walked  into the place Molly asked the waiter to give us an inside table. Once we took our seats the waiter handed us all our menus.

"Can I start you off with a drink?" The waiter asked pulling out his notepad and pen.

"Can I have a pink lemonade." I said before turning my attention to the menus.

After Molly and Honey told the waiter their orders he left, and the three of us were alone again looking through the menu for what we wanted to eat. I didn't want anything to eat but I pretended to look through the menu before looking up over Molly's shoulder.

I had noticed that from right behind Molly I was able to see Jean and Luke laughing through the window which currently had the curtains up. I averted my eyes when Molly turned to look at me with a questioning look that made me shake my head at her.

A while later the waiter came back with our drinks, he placed the drinks in front of us offering us a smile which only Honey returned. "Are you ladies ready to order?" The waiter asked, shaking my head I handed the man the menu before looking over to my friends.

"I'm not really hungry." I answered them, they nodded their heads before Molly turned to the waiter so that she could order her food. "I'll have the Spicy Chicken Ceaser Salad." Molly said handing the man the menu, he nodded his head before turning to look at Molly.

"I'll have the Bacon Burger with a side of Season Fries." Honey said handing the waiter her menu. The man nodded his head and then began to walk off.

"Why aren't you eating anything? I've noticed you haven't been eating right for a while now." Honey said taking a sip of her Coca-Cola.

"It's nothing, I'm just not hungry right now." I said with a sigh before looking over Molly's shoulder again to see Jean rubbing Luke's shoulder as she let out a laugh. I averted my gaze feeling a burning sensation in the pit of my stomach.

I tried ignoring it by taking a drink of my lemonade.


"Can you just not look over there for once?" Molly asked a little annoyed. It had been about 15 minutes since Molly's and Honey's food arrived and during the time they were waiting for their food Molly had noticed me looking over at Luke and Jean but had chosen not to say anything until now.

Letting out a sigh I took a drink of my lemonade, this was my second one, before I looked back to Molly. "Sorry, it's just that- ugh, Jean is-"

"We know, we know." Honey answered taking a sip of her drink. "Annoying."

"Yes!" I said standing up, I had finished two drinks now and that only made me need to pee. Not only that but I was so feed up with the obvious fact that Jean and Luke were flirting that I just wanted to leave this place already. I knew Luke knew I was here because every once in a while I would catch him turning to look at me.

"Sit back down." Molly said forking some salad into her mouth. "They're leaving." Molly finished pointing to Jean and Luke who I hadn't noticed walk back into the restaurant.

"Yeah, I need to pee." I said before walking away towards the bathroom. Unlucky for me, the bathroom was near the exit so as I was talking towards the bathroom door I bumped right into Luke causing me to almost fall to the ground.

Now, I would have fallen if it hadn't been for Luke who wrapped his arm around me. The feeling of his cold fingers on the bare skin of my hip made me gasp as I looked up at him his bright blue eyes meeting my dark brown ones. "Are you ok?" Luke asked giving me a smile. I had been in a trance until I heard Jean behind Luke.

"I would have just let her fall on her ass." Jean said and I glared moving out of Luke's hold to see Jean blowing a bubble behind Luke as she crossed her arms together.

"Nobody asked you what you would have done you pig." I said rolling my eyes getting ready to go into the bathroom only to stop when I heard Jean let out a snort.

"Are you really calling me the pig? You act like you don't eat but we all know the truth." Jean said with a smirk, rolling my eyes I turned to Luke giving him a glare for the fact he would actually be friends with Jean before quickly turning to run into the bathroom.

Walking into the bathroom I quickly walked into a stall and used the bathroom. Once I was done I walked over to sink to wash my hands, as I washed them I looked into the bathroom mirror. Tears slowly began to fall down my cheeks as I noticed my imperfections.

Jean was right, I was the pig. I was so fat I didn't even know how I was a ballerina let alone the head ballerina in this dance. I felt vile rise up in my throat and quickly moving away from the running sink I ran to the toilet before releasing all the substance.

I was fat, I was the pig. I kept thinking to myself as I raised my finger pressing it into the back of my throat to force more throw up. More tears fell down my face as I thought about Jean's words and how Luke hadn't disagreed with her. He agreed with her and anybody else would, that was enough proof telling me that I was fat. Too fat.

When I had stopped I just sat there beside the toilet letting the tears come freely. It wasn't until I had stopped crying that I stood back up from the floor and walked back over to the sink. Washing my hands I splashed some water onto my face before drying it off.

Once I looked as if I hadn't spent the last half an hour in the bathroom crying I put a smile on my face and walked out of the bathroom back to my table to see Molly and Honey sharing the fries left of Honey's plate. "What took you so long? We're ready to leave." Molly said standing up and pushing the chair in as she placed a fry in her mouth.

"Sorry, I wasn't feeling well." I said giving her a smile. "But I'm better now." I said turning over to Honey so that we could leave already.

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