Chapter Five | ✓

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Chapter FivePerfect

You are perfect exactly as you are.

Song: Porcelain by Marianas Trench


"Good morning class." Mrs.Reese said when she walked into the class. "As you all know, we are about to have our first residual." Everybody in the class began to cheer including me.

"What are we going to start this year with Mrs. Reese." Molly asked from beside me and we all watched quietly as Mr. Reese walked over to the stereo and began playing a song familiar to me.

"This year we will open with Sleeping Beauty, auditions for Prince Philip and Aurora will be held a week from today so I expect everyone who wants to audition to come up with their own perfect routine." Everyone began to clap I turned to Honey and Molly excitedly.

"We all need to try out, whoever gets Auroras role we'll supports each other." I said, Honey and Molly both nodded in agreement before we began our exercises.

Looking at myself from the side into the mirror I began to notice how right Jean was. I wasn't skinny, I was fat, from the side in the mirror I was able to see my belly sticking out threatening to grow if I ate anymore. How would I be a perfect ballerina if I was fat?


By the time the day of auditions for Aurora came I felt prepared. I had started a new diet so that I could lose weight, only looking at myself in the mirror I didn't see a difference, I was still fat.

"Veronica Green!" My name was called, I replaced my frown with a smile and walked out to the stage. The music started out slow, I took deep breath before getting into position and the. Everything disappeared.

It was just me and the music, no worries of who was around and what I was trying to achieve. No worries of what I looked like, I just let the music carry me as I did the dance I had been practicing since summer to get the lead in this dance.

The music began to lift and I felt myself away with each beat before the image of a certain blonde with blue eyes invaded my thoughts. I smiled to myself and then the music began to slow down and Luke was still on my mind before I slowly came to stop and let out a deep breath as Mrs. Reese bang to clap. "That was wonderful Veronica!" She said with a huge smile on her face that made me feel that I got the role.

Keeps look out for the list in two days." Mrs. Reese said, I nodded taking my leave and frowning when I realized that the image of Luke was still in my head. Why bad I thought of him while I was dancing?

Walking into to the other side of the ballet studio I began to examine myself in the mirrors that engulfed me from every side of the room. Standing so that I could get a view of my sides I ground noticing my belly and sucked it in wondering how much longer I would have to work until I got the perfect ballerinas body.

If I was going to get the role in the Sleeping Beauty dance I was going to have to look perfect.

"You look perfect." I heard a familiar voice say. Turning around I saw Luke walking towards me with a smile on his face. Really? It was a little weird seeing Luke the skater boy in a ballet studio. Rolling my eyes at him I picked up my bag to get ready to leave.

"What do you want?" I asked Luke who just shrugged his shoulders at me making me sigh.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the cafe and get some apple turn overs? I've noticed that you go there every day but ever since Jean you've only been ordering water." Luke said making me scoff.

"Do you know how fat those things can make me?" I asked making Luke laugh.

"You, fat? Never." Luke said. "I know you like those." I rolled my eyes at him and began to walk out of the studio where I saw my friends waiting for me.

"What did he want now?" Molly asked me, she had noticed that Luke always tried talking to me and she thought it was disgusting. I agreed with her, how could someone like Luke think that someone of his social status could just talk to someone like me.

"I don't know, he just won't leave me alone." I said as I put my hair up into a pony tail. I hated the fact that every time Luke would try to talk to me my friends would suddenly appear.


Later that day I received a text message from an unknown number:


Meet me tonight please?

This is Luke by the way.

How'd you get my number?

Detention, had to work in the front office for a little peek at your portfolio.

So you're stalking me now?

If that's what you want to call it, I'll be waiting outside at 9.

I didn't bother to reply, I didn't think I would even go meet him. He wasn't in my social class so why should I? I had enough of Luke making his way around me every chance he got.

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