Chapter Four | ✓

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Chapter FourBody Shaming

When you judge a women by her appearance, it doesn't define her, it defines you.

Song: Cuando Me Enamoro by Enrique Iglesias ft. Juan Luis Guerra


The next day I went back to Roses cafe, sat in my usual corner with my laptop opened YouTube playing One Direction songs as I ate my apple turn over and drank my usual vanilla iced coffee. After a while I turned back to my computer and did my usual search through my email before deciding to look up more ballet routines.

As always I was on my fifth apple turn over before I decided to leave. Just as I was about to turn my laptop off I heard the high pitched voice of the only person I have ever hated in my entire life. "Thanks again for coming with me to the cafe, again, I'm glad you liked it it's one of my favorite." Holding back the vile in my mouth I looked up to see the familiar evil redhead with the one and only Luke Hemmings.

I don't know if Luke knew it but I could see the regret in his eyes as Jean gripped his arm. "Yeah, no problem." Luke said pulling her hand away from his arm. I noticed Luke looking around for seats so I quickly turned my head back in the direction of my laptop and decided to get started on the history paper since I had nothing else to do. I was kind of hoping that Luke wouldn't have noticed me.

But of course, as if he had some gps or something that told him where I'd be his eyes turned to me and I felt myself sit up straight and turned to look back at my computer as I began my essay. From the corner of my eye I could see Jean struggling to get Luke to pick any other seat, and for the first time in a long time I found myself agreeing with her.

"No." Jean said as the got closer her arms grabbing on to Luke's bicep as she tried to pull him in a different direction. Luke just ignored her and took a seat in front of my chair at my table.

"Go away I was here first." I said going back to correct my first sentence before moving on to the next. "What are you guys doing here anyway?" I asked, I would have expected Jean to have dropped Luke after she realized that I did not like him like she thought I did.

"Well, Jean invited me but I saw you all alone and thought you could use the company." Luke said with a smile on his face that made butterflies erupt in my stomach. Forcing them back I glared at Luke.

"Well honestly I don't care about you." Jean said rolling her eyes and I smiled.

"Then by all means leave." I said gesturing for both Jean and Luke to leave. Jean, of course, got up to leave but Luke stayed glued to his chair. When Jean realized Luke wasn't going to leave with her she groaned and sat back down.

"I'll be back, anything to drink?" Luke asked looking to me and Jean.

"Double chocolate frappucino." Jean said.

"Vanilla ice coffee, bring an apple turn over as well please." I asked and Luke nodded before walking away leaving me alone with the devil herself, Jean Robertson.

Deciding to ignore her I turned my attention towards my laptop and read over my first paragraph to make sure it sounded good. In her boredness, Jean started tapping her finger nails against the table and with a huff of annoyance I grabbed my headphones and popped them in pressing play on the music that I had been listening to earlier.

"Here you go." Luke finally said placing three coffees on the table along with an apple turn over.

"Thanks." I said taking my drink and pastry so that they were closer to me. Picking up the apple turn over I took a big bite of it as I watched the screen on the computer, one hand pressing the backspace as I worked on editing a sentence.

"I thought ballerinas where supposed to be skinny? Jean said making me look up at her. Luke who was seated beside her began to cough uncontrollably as he took in Jeans words. Putting his coffee down he turned to glare at her.

Slowly I put my pastry down and grabbed a napkin to wipe away any pastry on my mouth as well as to spit out what I had taken a bite of.

"Thank you for the reminder." I said closing my laptop and stuffing it into my bag before getting out of my seat. I picked up my coffee and pastry walking over to the closest trash can I dropped both contents away before walking out of the cafe.

I didn't cry, I refused to cry because of Jean, yeah, my weight was something I was self conscious about ever since I was little. I was a nervous eater so ever since I was little I was over weight. It was when I wanted to become a ballerina that I actually began to take care of myself. Sure I ate a little too many apple turn over every day but I made up for it by working out.

After a while of walking I felt somebody grab my elbow and pull me back, at first I was a little panicked until I saw the familiar face of Luke and I then felt annoyed. "Hey! Are you ok?" Luke asked a hint of worry in his voice. I rolled my eyes at him and shrugged my arm out of his hand.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you." I said harshly walking back to the school. Luke wouldn't give up though because next thing I knew he ran up to me and grabbed my bag which I let him take.

"Good, because what Jean said was a lie." Luke said with a smile. "You have a perfect body." He then added making me smile and blush. I quickly composed myself and turned to see that he was blushing as well.

"Thank you skater boy." I said with a smile.

"Veronica! There you are." I heard Honey call out, turning my head I saw her running towards me and my eyes widened. Taking my bag I pushed Luke away some.

"Get away from me." I said making Luke's eyes widen, he then nodded and began to walk away. With a sigh of relief I hoped that Honey hadn't seen Luke because I knew she would have had a lot to say about him being next to me.

"What's up with him?" Honey asked when she was closer to me. I shrugged my shoulders and decided to change the conversation.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's movie night, come on Molly is waiting for us!"

1 | Sk8er Boi ♪ Luke Hemmings (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang