Ch-3) Succeeded in Making Friends and may be a foe too.....

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As i was walking outside there were four eyes staring at me standing in corner of the corridor. Anabelle and Smith were standing against the wall with folded hands with slight grin on their face.

 Anabelle and Smith were standing against the wall with folded hands with slight grin on their face

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 I walked to them when Anabelle raised her left eyebrow as if she expected me to say something.

"What?" i asked in low tone to hide any signs that could express on my face what happened just now.

Hehehehe Smith laughed the sheepish laugh. "Why are you so terrified ? We came to pick you because your next class is a sub and we thought we could hang out somewhere till lunch starts , You know just to know each other better."

"Unless..."Anabelle said and stopped for a while looking at me keenly "There is something that you want to tell us!" 

"Oh no no.." i cut them "Nothing happened in calculus!"

"Who said anything about calculus?" Anabelle said in her deep tone!

Oh dear! how should i wrap it now.. urghhh

"Um... You were going to take me somewhere right lets go! I don't want to waste time! " I tried to change the topic and actually succeeded too.

"Oh yeah! C'mon Cmon C'mon lets go" Simon caught hold of my shoulder's and pushed me front like we were playing some train train.... 

We passed by the other classes  and Thank god there was no sign of Monster yet... Fine  just met him to state him like that would be unethical but who care's he mocked at me, But then again he was there when i got scared to get up , But then he also was rude to me and called me cartoon, But then he said nice to meet you.....

"Cady! Cady! Caaaadddyyyy! Are you Okay?" Simon was shaking me fast holding both my shoulder's when i finally came to my senses that i was daydreaming while walking and we already reached our place.

"Haaa! " i cleared my head "Yeah  Simon?" I said . Oh gosh ! What was i doing. 

Anabelle started laughing holding onto two ropes by her side . Simon and I looked at her confused.

"What is so funny Ann?" Simon sounded like a TV news reporter.

Then i realized she was sitting on a swing. I turned to see finally the place i was in.

 I turned to see finally the place i was in

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